Today is a little different, First name / My friend!
I'm not releasing a Mind Witchery episode today. For the first time in 138 Thursdays.
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I just typed and then deleted a long long list of why, detailing all that's filling my life to the brim lately. 
It felt like reasons, though. Excuses.
Because really, my life is always full to the brim. That is how I do.

And besides: I have nothing to excuse here.
It will be more helpful for both of us, I think, if I share what's really behind my decision to end my 138 episode-a-week streak:
I've evolved my self-belief.
For a long time, I made my weekly episode release mean:
  • that I am serious about sharing my thinking
  • that I am capable, and dependable, and generous
  • that I am committed to my audience - to YOU.
Basically, my weekly episode was proof. Proof of my Goodness, I guess.
Happily: these days I am requiring less and less proof of that.
These days, I am trusting myself - and my inclinations, and my whims, and especially my need to take space - so much more deeply.
This week, I'm sharing my thinking in other channels.
All over my life and work, I can see that I am capable, dependable, and generous.
And I'm committed to you, not just through Mind Witchery, but also through the various coaching opportunities I offer.
Last week, instead of preparing an episode, I whipped up an end-of-year group coaching program on a whim.
It's called Main Character Magic.
It's inspired, actually, by the way I have been feeling lately:
Centered. Supported. Unhurried. Self-trusting. Potent. Magnetic.
I'm requiring less and less proof to know:
  • I am the star of my own story.
  • The more I honor my whole self, the more brightly I shine.
  • When I'm most open to flow and support, I'm most potent.
I am living and believing all of this, now, more deeply than ever before.
I have so much less to prove, and so much more self love & trust.
And THAT is what I want to share with you.
Not in an episode, but in a shared experience.
Here's the one I made:
Main Character Magic begins tomorrow, Friday, Nov 3.
You can join any time before the clock strikes midnight EDT tonight.
The basics:
🔸 MCM includes 7 group coaching sessions, Fridays Nov 3 - Dec 22 (no call on Nov 24).

🔸 MCM also includes a copy of my Time Witchery (anti-)planner, and access to its supportive audio course
🔸 Our MCM sessions are on Zoom from 1-2(ish)p ET, and yes they're recorded.
🔸 MCM is $333/mo ($666 total).
I'll be back next week with a new episode of Mind Witchery. 
But I hope I'll see you in MCM before then!

xo, Natalie