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November Prompt 1
The first prompt for this month is…
The month of November always reminds me to re-focus and re-new my practices around gratitude and I was thinking about how I've never expressed it through visual arts--only with the written word. I wanted to challenge myself to think outside of what I have typically done and I invite you to join me in taking this word and seeing how it unfolds on your sketchbook page. I'm curious how you'll interpret this and whether you use text, images, or a mix of both, I already know I'll be inspired by what you'll do with it!
I hope taking some time to cultivate our creative and gratitude practices will help us feel inspired and recharged, remind us of what we hold dear, and renew our commitment to putting the things we are grateful for out into the world for others to experience too.
Here are some ideas to help you get started…
The image above is from one of my favorite makers and small businesses, MB Art Studios

“Gratitude is a way of creativity.” - Apollo Matrix
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  • Gratitude Doodles Instead of making a list, draw what you're grateful for. Make them as simple or detailed as you'd like. Try an organized layout by penciling in a grid and filling in a box a day or go for a more organic approach and start drawing and letting the spaces fill up without a layout in mind.
  • Or instead of several smaller doodles, focus on one subject only
  • Who Are You Grateful For? Create a portrait inspired by them. I know many of us shy away from portraits because of drawing faces but a portrait doesn't have to be a realistic sketch! Here are some ideas. Or be less specific (friends, teachers, etc.) and take inspiration from the different people that make up this group to create an abstract piece.
  • Meditate & Create Try meditating on gratitude using 15 min of nature sounds or this 15 min guided meditation (out of the different guided meditations I've tried, I find her voice the most calming and non-distracting). Once you're done, begin creating, letting your feelings and intuition guide you to different tools, colors, and mediums.
  • “Strength” by Street Artist Pejac “arises as a gesture of gratitude to the health workers of Valdecilla…" Watch a short video of the beautiful making of this piece and find still photos here.
  • 20 Minutes of Gratitude Drawing Challenge Here are all the details.
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I'm grateful for art, the connections it has brought into my life, and getting to create with you! :)
Enjoy the beginnings of November and talk to you soon (and hope to see you Sunday!),
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I would love to continue our creative explorations! Sign ups for the 2024 CSN are open.
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