What did you want to be when you grew up?
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What do you want to be when you grow up? It’s a question we got as kids, but the answer would usually change year by year, didn’t it? Most of this is kids’ imagination’s changing, but if you think about it, it’s also telling that as we grow (even in youth) we change and refine the idea of that old question of what we want to do when we get older.
Now let me ask you something, are you doing what the younger you said you’d be doing today? The truth is most of us don’t, but we do have an idea or an image of the kind of person we want to be.
So, let me ask a different question: If you haven’t become the person you want to be or were meant to be, do you have a plan to get there?
These are some of the most important questions you can ask yourself in life. Answering questions like these will help define your purpose and the direction you take to achieve your vision.
But there is one more question that is equally important, and this question can make or break your success: Do you know who you need to become in order to get what you want?
Like I’ve said before, you can have more in life as soon as you decide to be more. This is a universal principle that applies to all areas of our lives, either personal or professional.
I gave you an example of the difference of a blue belt and black belt before, but I’ll give you a personal glimpse into what I mean. When I had my blue belt, I thought I was pretty good, and I was, but my skillset wasn’t enough to roll around with black belts. I had the desire, but not the knowledge or experience they did. I knew I needed both to grow and improve, so that’s what I did.
I can promise you, the day I received by black belt, recognizing the growth I experienced through hard work and experience made me a completely different person than when I was a blue belt, and that was just in a short amount of time. Bottom line, if you want something bad enough, it can be done. You have to know what it takes and what kind of person can achieve that.
The same goes in our work lives too, doesn’t it? There is a huge difference between the person that makes $100k and the person who makes over $1 million. The difference is not just the money, but in the level of value they provide, and the network they maintain. For that kind of growth, new skills must be learned, new habits must be formed, and mindsets have to change. Literally two different people.
How do you become the person you want to be? 
What inspires and drives us might be different, but there are certain principles that apply to everyone’s lives, no matter your direction.
#1) You Need a Vision
The first step is to have a clear vision of what you want to achieve and who you want to become. Without this, the rest is pointless because there will be no direction.
Also, a vision is not an idea or wishful thinking. It is something that can be actually achievable with hard work. A vision is not saying, “I want to be more successful”. You need clarity. A vision is saying, “I want to double my salary in 5 years by taking extra classes, working hard, making myself more marketable, and networking with the right people”.
That is a clear vision.
At the same time, your vision needs to be aligned with your values and purpose. It should reflect what matters most to you. It’s like when you hear people say, when you’re doing what you love, it never feels like work. It’s that same concept.
But let me clarify something else.
A vision needs to be challenging. To become more, you have to stretch outside of your comfort zone. But the thought of that shouldn’t be scary, you should be excited by the possibilities. You can’t make this something too easy to achieve based on your current skills. A vision of something better will require you to grow and learn.
#2) Know Your Reality
Knowing exactly where you stand will tell you how hard you need to work to achieve your vision. Some of you might be so close and you just never sat down to really think about it (maybe it’s a simple mindset change).
Some of you might have thought you were close but are really miles away. If that sounds like you, don’t be discouraged. If you’re the fighter I think you are, then I know you’re not scared of hard work.
The truth is that first, you need to figure out what you’re good at. What can you do better than other people? Does what you’re good at align with your vision? Science says it will. When we do work that we receive fulfillment from, we naturally perform better.
Next, know what your weaknesses are and determine if, how, or when they are stopping you from achieving what you want. If they are, then finding a way around or through those obstacles is your first course of action. You now have a clear first step.
#3) Have a Plan
Once you know where you are, and where you need to be, you need directions on how to get there. This is where you devise a plan for yourself. You can call it an action plan, a set of life goals, a mission, or whatever you want.
The key to it all, is that your plan outlines basic steps. I’m not saying that all steps are basic, some steps may take years of focus and dedicated effort, but it is still a step in the process all the same.
Having a plan is also important if you have timelines in mind. Perhaps you want to be in a new job before your kid hits a certain age. With a vision like that, you’ve now set a hard deadline. This means you must create a specific plan that also accounts for time.
#4) Begin & Repeat
It’s one little word, but it’s also the hardest on this entire list. You’ve got to begin. It has to start somewhere at some time. Transforming yourself is easy on paper, but one of the hardest things to do in life. But understand that when going through significant change, there will be times when you need to be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and feedback. Those things are not detrimental to your progress; they are there to use as guardrails.
The second hardest thing on this list is continuing the process. Perseverance is one of the building blocks that makes all of this work. You will face challenges and setbacks along the way, but the key is to not give up on the vision. You may have to refine it as you continually reassess your reality, but that is what comes with growth!

The bottom line is that only you can transform yourself from who you are, to who you want to be. It’s not an easy process, but when you start making strides, I promise you it is rewarding.
Just stick to the plan. It starts with a vision. From there, you have got to be real with yourself about your current situation in life. Once you’ve done that, you need a plan. From there, it’s as simple (and as difficult) as just beginning. Then once you’ve begun, repeat, continue, and keep pushing towards your vision.
But more importantly, all of this requires that you to take action. Making the first move and taking the first step require proactivity. 
This is why the only way you can become the person you want to be is to be the person you want to be. The person that steps up and begins.
So, why wait for more?
Begin today.
It’s not easy, but it’s worth it. I’m here with you every step. 

I'll See you in the next one
-Steven Williams

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