What are your favorite food memories?
At La Saison, we take food memories really seriously. It is an honor to be a part of your memory bank: It's the most valuable currency there is!
Japanese Yam ‘Souffle’  Photo by: Emma K. Morris
The last thing any of us need is a reminder that there is scarcity with time. Therefore, I am sending a friendly reminder that pre orders will be open for another week for our November pop up. Click on the link above or below to pre order by November 13th for pick up on Friday, November 17th at La Saison between 11AM-4PM.
As for my Monday Musing…
The last week was a doozy. 
I absorbed more external energy, not of my own, that I was so full (and not in the good way) that by the end of the week I had no where to turn other than to observe. 
The holidays seem to sneakily stir up a mixed bag of emotions. Similar to birthdays or walking into the room you grew up in... Our memory banks run deep, storing all sorts of random feelings tucked away until they get rattled within and startled awake. And we are all walking around with our own private memory banks. 
Observe what you are absorbing. 
From a cosmic lens, we together, will be journeying with the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra for approximately 18 months. (The North and South Nodes are Mathematical points in space- they entered Aries/Libra in July 2023 and will stay in these signs until January 2025- Google for more info or reach out and I am happy to answer any questions!) 
What we have experienced (the South Node represents the past) is being stirred up and (re) met with what we are seeking (the North Node represents the future). This pull between what we want and where we have been may feel a bit like tug-o-war. I say this with sincere reverence towards the global atrocities currently unfolding. 
How do we break through to the next cycle to settle what is perhaps unfinished? Is it possible to put our needs first without harming others? How can we be stretching ourselves a bit more each day to be our better selves, not only for ourselves but for the relationships that matter most?
As much as I absorbed the energy of others last week and felt utterly washed out, I couldn't help but to think how others might be absorbing the energy that I am emitting. 
From a food standpoint, we talk about these topics in the kitchen as it's part of our service to be preparing foods from a space of true care. It starts with our health. Just like a clean kitchen produces clean food, healthy hands heal and we are here if nothing more than to prepare foods that nourish others and spark food memories after all. This is the exchange of currency we promise. 
Needless to say, I will be observing my energy this week from a different angle; my future self. The little girl I committed to taking care of long ago and again today. 
Thank you for being here and allowing us to be a part of your food memories. It truly is such an honor. 
Natalie Niksa