In this newsletter…
*Secret Santa How To Quick Guide
*How to get hundreds of comments.
*Sample copy for social media.
*How to stay out of Facebook jail and how to keep readers out of FB jail.
*How to be eligible for a special promotional opportunity.
In coming newsletters…
How to handle International readers.
A sample post.
You're a Secret Santa!
You're the BEST!
Please share the graphics and a link to the group on your social media and in your Newsletter! Let your fans know that you'll be there. They won't want to miss it! 
We have 323 authors signed up for Secret Santa Days! we need to get that number to 350 for it to be Epic! 
Please share the author sign up link with your author friends and in your author groups!
and if you are new to secret santa days and are confused by anything… email me! I'm always here to help

Secret Santa Days Quick Guide for Newbies
  1. Share the Secret Santa Day Graphics and link to the group on your social media and in your newsletter. You agreed to do this when you signed up. See the section below for the graphics and sample copy you can use.
  2. Anytime on Friday December 1st make only 1 post in the group. Tell the readers about you, about your books, what you are giving away, where to find you, and ask them a question. Add as many pics as you'd like to your post.
  3. On Sunday December 3rd select your winner. Edit your original post to say GIVEAWAY CLOSED at the top. Tag your winners there and in the comments of your post. If you do not do this, you will be contacted and asked to do this. 
  4. Make arrangements with your winner to get them their prizes in a timely manner. 
  5. Done.
But… If you want your day to be a super success… 
*If you want to stay out of Facebook jail and stay in the FB algorithm to maximize your engagement read the section below on Facebook. 
*If you want to get good engagement on your post--100s of comments--read that section below. 

How to get hundreds of comments on your post.
*Anytime on Friday December 1st make 1 post in the group. Yes. Just 1 post.
*Introduce yourself.
*Tell the readers a bit about your books.
*Tell them what you are giving away. -→Readers prefer if you announce what you are giving away at the top of your post. Some readers can only read on Kindle. Some can only read on paper. Some can only do audio.
*You can giveaway as many prizes as you like. Readers particularly love signed paperbacks, gift cards, and fun swag. In this day and age where free ebooks are everywhere, offering only a free ebook alone doesn't always gain you the most comments. Maybe toss in a bookmark that you can send with only a stamp. Or $5 Amazon Gift Card. Something fun to capture readers attention. But if you just want to offer a free ebook, that's fine too! 
*Add as many photos or videos as you want to your post.
*Ask the readers a few questions. Make sure the questions are mix of following you on platforms and fun questions they want to answer. Ask them to leave each answer as a new comment. Comments drive the algorithm and will make Facebook show your post over and over. For example in my bio it says I love true crime and inspirational quotes. So I often ask people to name the most scary serial killer and in another comment to tell me a favorite inspirational quote. 
*Comment on as many of your comments as you can. Remember the FB rule to stay out of FB jail-→only comment 15-20 times then take a 30 minute break. 
*If comments slow down, ask an author friend or reader friend to leave a comment to tweak the algorithm.
**Be sure to save your post so you can find it easily the next day!
***On Sunday December 3rd pick your winners! Be sure to friend them/message them/tag them to make arrangements to get their prize to them!
*At the top of your original post please edit it to say GIVEAWAY CLOSED and list your winners names there. The readers have requested this from the authors because their notifications get very messy and it's easier for them to scroll through and read the names at the top. If you don't do this step someone will be in touch with you asking that you close out your giveaway.
*Be sure to tag your winners in the comments.

Sample Copy for social media or your newsletter!
The Don't-Miss-It Event of the Season.
Secret Santa Days!
Over 350 Secret Santa Authors will be gifting you books, gift cards, and swag! 
Join the fun here:
Kick off the Holiday Season with Secret Santa Days! 
Over 350 Secret Santa Authors will be gifting you books, gift cards, and swag! 
Join the fun here: 
Get your jingle on and join the fun during Secret Santa Days. 
Over 350 Secret Santa Authors will be gifting you books, gift cards, and swag. 

Share any of the graphics that you choose!
Or make your own! Just be sure to include all the information. 
And if you want to send me your graphics, I'll put them in the next newsletter! 

These graphics are from Kayelle Allen.
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And TJ Logan made these graphics and some videos for you to share!
Check out the videos! They are fun!
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Follow these simple rules to stay out of Facebook jail and to keep the readers out of Facebook jail too!
Here's the deal…
Any post about a product on Facebook→ they want their share. Meaning they want us to pay them to show the post to people. So FB either limits the exposure of the post or puts posts in moderation. Not moderation in my group, but actual Facebook moderation where they take their sweet time to decide if a post is a selling post. This decision from them could take days. You don't have that kind of time during the giveaway days since it only lasts 48 hours!
Banned Words: 
Facebook will flagged certain words. Sometimes these words put posts into moderation.To avoid moderation here's a list of just a few words FB may flag. Please consider misspelling these words using symbols instead of vowels (G!ve@w@y, Fr33bie) or even find a new creative way to express the word. I don't want posts flagged for moderation from Facebook. If that happens on giveaway day, delete your post, and then reword it being careful change the words listed below or any word you think Facebook may have issue with.
Banned Words:
Sign up
Facebook has morals more stringent than the Amish. So be careful about use of words like ‘kiss, kissing, sex, sexy’ or certain body parts, or any profanity.
And they also flag words like ‘beat' or ‘screw’ or ‘pound’. A reader was flagged because she said she ‘beat someone at cards.' An author was shadow banned because she used the word ‘seduction’ in her post.
Be sure to scour your post and graphic for anything FB might get upset about it. Facebook hates bare shoulders, man chest, or kissing. Sometimes it's one of these words or an image in a graphic that we don't even think about, that FB gets all uptight over and then won't show your post to the readers.
Facebook is supposed to be all about SOCIAL connections yet it will shadow-ban you if you comment too frequently. FB doesn't care about many times you comment, but instead cares about the frequency of comments. The best rule is to comment 15-20 times, then take a 30 minute break, then comment 15-20 times, then take another 30 minute break. This isn't fool proof, but the odds are better that you won't end up in FB jail or shadow banned. 
And don't comment with the same word or phrase. Facebook will think you are a bot. Mix it up. Use words, or a gif, or an emoji. 
No screen shots: 
I know this one is difficult, but please DO NOT ask readers to leave a screen shot in the comments and DO NOT ask them to leave a link in the comments. Last year many readers got thrown into FB jail for those two items.
Are you freaking out about No screen shots?:
There are ways around this, you just have to get creative. If you want them to like your Facebook page, you can go in and search their name on your page followers to see if they followed you before you choose a winner. If you invite them to your reader group, you can look at the members and it will even show new members first. If you want them to follow you on Bookbub, there's a way to access the handles of all your followers and you can simply ask them what their handle is so you can check it. Some authors have created google forms that allow a reader to put a screen shot in. It means a little more work for you, but if it keeps everyone out of Facebook jail, then the odds are better that more people will see the authors' posts!
If you ask them to follow you somewhere, or sign up for your newsletter, or fill out a form, still ask them to leave a comment on your post - or better yet - ask them another question they need to answer in the comments. That will help increase the interest in your posts! Comments drive the algorithm. If you don't have people commenting you won't be in the algorithm.

In 2024 a special promotional opportunity will be available in my group.
Here's  how to be eligible…
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