Working on my business-my life
Dear First name / friend,
Last week was school's mid-break here in Turkey. It feels so nice to go back to my lovely routines after resting during holidays. I have a lot to share since my last newsletter and I am excited to get started:) 
*I attended the ISPPM (International Society for Pre- and Perinatal Psychology and Medicine e.V.)  Online Conference. I caught some of the sessions online and I am still watching the ones I missed from replay. Listening about pre- and perinatal psychology always help me to gain even more perspective. There is always room to grow.
*I also attended a mind map workshop, which was the part of the group program I have been involved in. I have learned about mind maps before and, infact, I use them for work. This time, I learned to use them more efficiently and for more purposes, even for life planning and organizing my week.
*I went to an in-person women entrepreneurs meeting that took place in my lovely coach's home. It is so valuable and needed to talk about your business with like-minded people in a safe space. I am so grateful for this opportunity. 
*I added a new task to my EDN (European Doula Network) volunteer job and volunteered for the EDN Newsletter team. Hopefully, it will be launched before the end of this year. Guess what? I love writing newsletters:)
*Doula Experience Exchange: I would like to reserve a special place for this here. I met with a doula, dear Tati, visited me all the way from California and came to my neighbourhood. We drank coffee, chatted a lot, took a walk, and most importantly, we have exchanged experiences. She told me all about how things are in doula world in California and Russia and I told her all about Turkey. You realize there are so many details that you would only now if you are involved in that country's system like the concept of public/private hospitals, possibility and costs of calling an ambulance, insurance system, birth routines, doula being accepted as a profession, doula back up system, the techniques we use, cultural differences, practical differences, the expected roles of partners during labor. 
It is amazing to see how a person you just met can feel like a sister when you both have the doula heart and mindset. Thank you, Tati, once again for making this happen. 

“The wisdom and compassion a woman can intuitively experience in childbirth can make her a source of healing and understanding for other women.”
-Stephen Gaskin
Midwifery Today, Issue 146, Quote of the Quarter





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