Dear First name / friend,
“Laughter is like changing a baby's diaper--it doesn't permanently solve any problems, but it makes things more acceptable for a while…How much lighter would your load be if you were to find ways to laugh when you were faced with bad experiences?”
    ~ John C. Maxwell, Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn
I know that not everyone feels warm and fuzzy about the holiday season. I know that some of you have dealt with some tough situations that are forever associated with this season in your mind. First, I want to say, that I am sorry that you had to go through what you went through. Second, remember that those bad experiences, don't define who you are or where you are going. And finally, try to find reasons to laugh your way into New Year's.  Here why:
  • Laughter reduces stress.
  • Laughter improves mood.
  • Laughter decreases pain.
  • Laughter lightens your load.
-Watch old episodes of America's Funniest Home Videos.
-Watch a singing challenge.
-Find videos/movies of your favorite standup comic. 
-Watch the stinky fish challenge. 
-Browse your favorite streaming platform for comedies. 
You're welcome!
Happy Holidays,
p.s. Still finding it hard to laugh. Let's chat! Click  here