We have re-opened our corner shop in downtown Napa for a pre order pop up every month DESIGNED TO CONNECT, NOURISH AND CELEBRATE THE SEASONS, ALL year LONG.
 Photo by: Vivian Sachs
We have so many exciting launches lined up for 2024, but first let's begin with our January at La Saison Menu of nourishing soups. 
Pre order by January 12th for pick up January 19th. 
Links to pre order are above and below. 
Miso with Strong Arm Farm Kombu 
Saskatchewan Chanterelle Mushrooms
(Dairy/Gluten Free)
Rancho Gordo White Bean Garlic Soup 
Lunar Farms Braised Greens
(Dairy/Gluten Free)
Jerusalem Artichoke (Sunchoke)
Lightly Smoked Potatoes and Parsnips
(Dairy/Gluten Free)
Italian Polpetti with Parmigiano
Lunar Farms '23 Heirloom Tomatoes and Basil
(Gluten Free)
Longer Table Farm Savoy Cabbage 
4th and Heart Ghee with Mary's Chicken
(Dairy/Gluten Free)
January we are exploring the meaning behind well being
What does it mean to be a well of being?
It requires space to clear our vessel and prepare for what excitedly will drop in. Rest is critical and is the opposite of action as I presented in my most recent newsletter titled ‘Allowing’ in case you missed it. 
Together, rest and action create abundance when equally respected. 
This is our goal now and all year long…
My word for 2024 is ‘Experiment’.
I will be taking a few ladies on my culinary team on their Human Design journey exploring each of our individual ‘gifts’, an offering I provide within my Gentle Guidance practice. It is not only a self discovery, it's an opportunity to see where our gifts cross over, where we can relate, learn and grow together as teammates inside and outside of the kitchen. 
A dear friend, who first introduced me to Human Design in 2015. recently shared this quote that I added to our shop remodel when re-opening:
“The conductor of an orchestra doesn’t make a sound. He depends, for his power, on his ability to make other people powerful.”
May these soups support you to tap into your well being of power.
Natalie Niksa