You're next!
Hi First name / there,
I've helped over 100 people address their relationship with time.
And the feedback from previous students of Project Manage Your Life + Biz speaks for itself >>>
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One thing however that my clients can struggle with is self discipline.
There's a little voice in their head, telling them that they're not good enough, that they can't do the thing, that they're not able to change…
This little voice might be holding you back from starting. From investing in yourself.
Every time I run my programme, I really listen to the feedback from the students and I'm always striving to improve my offer.
This time is no different. 
I've changed things up, and the programme is now an amalgamation of my course and my membership. This means the duration is now increased to 12 months. 
12 months of live calls, expertise, accountability and support.
The extended duration of the programme will give you the time you need to embed new habits, build your muscle of self discipline and transform your current reality. How exciting is that!
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You’ll learn how to focus on what really matters, ignore what doesn’t, and open yourself up to experience more joy, energy, and fulfilment. 

Here's a quick reminder of what's included:
* Pre-recorded curriculum that you can watch at a time that suits you best.
* Live calls each week - co-working, monthly Q+A, monthly planning + reflection plus guest experts
* Plug and play tools and templates for your life and business
* Mindfulness meditation library
* Core values & vision; let's unpick what is most important to you
* Introduction to mindfulness; meditation + mindfulness have been shown to increase focus + memory, decrease stress, reduce anxiety (and more)
* A deeper understanding of where your time goes; using my Time Audit Q's we'll get a handle on where you are at right now in your relationship with time
* The importance of your environment; physical + digital
* Prioritisation and planning; learn how to prioritise and how to mindfully plan your days / weeks in advance.
* Getting organised; we'll be considering systems in the home and how these can simplify your life
* Mindful consumption; nutrition, alcohol + technology and how this can impact your energy + time
Pay in full and get 2 months free - total cost is £970.
Pay monthly at £97/month for 12 months.
Or choose the VIP option and get 6 x 60 minute 1-to-1 coaching calls in addition to the above; the investment for this option is £1,870.
"[Sarah’s programme] provides a structure to my month that keeps me accountable to my goals. I also get comfort from knowing that I can problem-solve any sticking points with my co-members; this keeps me moving forwards. Plus, Sarah is extremely generous with her knowledge and resources and I always appreciate the stylish and thoughtful presentation of her content. I would describe the vibe of the group as relaxed, warm & supportive. There are many memberships on offer these days but I truly believe this is a gem for small business owners or ambitious individuals."

Sending love - 


Scrolled to the bottom? I see you 😉
Doors are now open to Project Manage Your Life + Biz.
Caroline said this about the programme: 
"I love the balance of mindfulness with time management and how it marries to the concept of peaceful productivity - that is such a perfect ideal for me (and I think everyone) to achieve!" 
Brand photography by Anna Laska