Hi First name,
Were you a fan of the TV series 24? 
I absolutely loved it, and very nearly got lost in a scroll hole there looking at Jack Bauer memes! The iconic clock (here if you need a reminder) was so stressful… coupled with the beeping… SUCH a great show, I used to be on edge A LOT! 
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Anyway, all this to say… the clock is ticking and there's now under 24 hours left before the early bird offer ends for Project Manage Your Life + Biz.
You'll get a live, group Time Audit session with me if you sign up before midnight tonight (30th Nov).
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Here's a quick reminder of what's included:
* Pre-recorded curriculum that you can watch at a time that suits you best.
* Live calls each week - co-working, monthly Q+A, monthly planning + reflection plus guest experts
* Plug and play tools and templates for your life and business
* Mindfulness meditation library
* 12 month's access to the members area and live calls
* Core values & vision; let's unpick what is most important to you
* Introduction to mindfulness; meditation + mindfulness have been shown to increase focus + memory, decrease stress, reduce anxiety (and more)
* A deeper understanding of where your time goes; using my Time Audit Q's we'll get a handle on where you are at right now in your relationship with time
* The importance of your environment; physical + digital
* Prioritisation and planning; learn how to prioritise and how to mindfully plan your days / weeks in advance.
* Getting organised; we'll be considering systems in the home and how these can simplify your life
* Mindful consumption; nutrition, alcohol + technology and how this can impact your energy + time
Pay in full and get 2 months free - total cost is £970.
Pay monthly at £97/month for 12 months.
Or choose the VIP option and get 6 x 60 minute 1-to-1 coaching calls in addition to the above; the investment for this option is £1,870.
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Sending love - 


Scrolled to the bottom? I see you 😉
There are less than 24 HOURS left to secure the early bird bonus for Project Manage Your Life + Biz.
Jump in here.
Caroline said this about the programme: 
"I love the balance of mindfulness with time management and how it marries to the concept of peaceful productivity - that is such a perfect ideal for me (and I think everyone) to achieve!" 
Brand photography by Anna Laska