Issue 12
November 17, 2023
You’re Gonna Carry That Weight A Long Time: Ruck It!
It's the weekend--take a load off, but maybe also put a load on.
Today, November 17 is
National Take a Hike Day! This doesn’t require much elaboration, but suffice it to say that it's never a bad idea to exercise in the fresh air. You can even practice some of those great tips for earthing that you’ve heard about
somewhere important. I will be honoring the day by hiking through Nashville towards a different kind of summit-my
GatHer Wellness & Beauty Summit. But I have a pretty great climb in store next week, more on that to come.
Hands up if the circulation in your fingers gets funky as the temperatures start to drop. Unless your hands are in your pockets staying warm. For years,
I was mystified by this strange prognostication of winter that is disappointingly unrelated to Game of Thrones. It’s actually a common, if irksome, condition known as
Raynaud’s Phenomenon. It primarily affects women (what’s new?), and while there’s no known cure, it’s no cause for major concern unless Amazon runs out of Hot Hands (or
these, for the cold-handed on your gift list) or you have other symptoms that suggest something
more serious. If you do have it, welcome to the club, it’s a neat party trick. Just wave your pale finger around and remind people you are something like a phenomenon.
The best healthy habits are the ones that sneak in when you’re not even trying. Enter:
rucking, which is simply a long walk with a weighted load, ideally in a backpack, which you can make from weight plates, water bottles, rocks, cans, or whatever feels heavy in a good way. (I prefer to call it Schlepping With Intention). The
benefits range from building endurance and burning calories to improving your cardiovascular health and your posture. Rucking two miles with 20 pounds is a good place to start but it’s choose-your-own-adventure. Just keep rucking on and on.
Be well, and also have fun,
PS: No newsletter next week, Happy Thanksgiving! See ya in December.
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