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A part of the artwork “Sight” by Reuben Wu and Jenni Pasanen
November Prompt 2
The second prompt for this month is…
A change of the form or nature of a thing or person into a completely different one,
by natural or supernatural means;
change of physical form, structure, or substance.
It feels like we are in a state of metamorphosis--changing from fall to winter, transitioning from this year to the next. We are also witnessing man made changes to the world around us--climate change, war, AI and technology, advances in science and space, and so much more. I wonder how all these things will end up, if things can morph from bad to good, how many more iterations will take place, and what will ultimately emerge. On a personal level, we are also ever-changing and in different states of change--from finding comfort in the safety of our cocoons to shedding our skin (literally and figuratively) to emerging as a changed and new version of ourselves. 
What does metamorphosis look like and mean to you?

“The world of art is not a world of immortality but of metamorphosis.” - André Malraux
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  • Evolve, alter, change, adjust, shift Apply these synonyms to the mediums and materials you are working with. How can you alter your paint? What changes can you make to your paper and what are different ways you can utilize it? What adjustments can you make to your piece? What happens when you shift your perspective halfway though the process?
  • From one to another Try a metamorphosis drawing, here are a few examples: hot air balloon to jelly fish, chains to doves, eye to flower.
  • Breath of the Seasons This award winning 3 ½ minute video was created between early 2017 until early 2020 to show the cycle of nature. Read the caption for more about this personal project by Jonas Hoholt
  • Create an ombre effect Use this as a background then layer more paint, words, or paper onto it, make collage paper with it, experiment with a few smaller studies and use different colors, create ombres using different tools, or leave it as is. Here is a watercolor tutorial and 7 ways to create this effect with colored pencils 
  • Pop up Add a physical change to your piece in the form of movement with pop up elements. It can be a simple flap or something more elaborate. Here are a few techniques to help get you started. 
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  • Beautiful Butterfly Moments A compilation from BBC Earth 
  • Metamorphe 6 pieces of work that blend drone light photography with digital AI creations to express visions of earth’s surfaces “following metamorphosis when living beings are extinct and only the landscape remains.”
  • A new twist Take an existing piece of work and add new elements to it to give it new life. Downcycle painting does this on thrift store paintings and prints. Try using a page from a magazine or book, print out a painting or picture, or use an old piece of work you created.
  • For A New Beginning by John O'Donohue  
  • Make an impression using a foam stamp. The foam molds into what is pressed into it then can morph back to its original state! I thought this was so cool and you can use different things to create texture (even your sweaters!) If you don't have one you can get it on Amazon on try to recreate this effect with things you already have.
  • The process Take some time to consider different processes used to create and how something evolves from it: a block of clay transforms into a vase or a wall becomes an enchanted forest. At what point does one thing turn into another, when do seemingly random brush strokes become an image? What does your process look like? Document the beginning, middle, and end (this can simply be taking a photo during these phases) of the next piece you create.

I am looking forward to seeing what metamorphosis inspires in you.
Happy Thanksgiving and I will check in with you on Black Friday!
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PS: Just as I was finishing up this email last night, I accidentally lost everything by pressing the undo button and not being able to revert back! Everything I tried made it go backwards even MORE and I couldn't recover what I had done! Not the kind of morph I wanted lol 😅

I would love to continue our creative explorations! Sign ups for the 2024 CSN are open.
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