Good Afternoon My Rising Vibe friend 🤗,
This holiday season, I want to extend my warmest wishes to you.  Your warm support and willingness to read my weekly musings truly fills me up.   Each word I've shared reflects the love and gratitude I feel for you, my dear readers.
In the spirit of gratitude, I've shared some thoughts on embracing forgiveness and harmony this Thanksgiving. This theme holds significant meaning to me and aligns perfectly with the essence of the season. 
As we give thanks for our blessings, it's also a great opportunity to extend the olive branch of forgiveness to one another.

Embracing Forgiveness this Thanksgiving
As we approach the season of gratitude and togetherness, I want to share my thoughts on the power of forgiveness, especially when dealing with challenging family relationships.
This Thanksgiving let’s take a moment to reflect on the importance of true acceptance and forgiveness towards one another. It’s not an easy task and often requires us to take an honest look at our own imperfections.
By letting go of the illusion of perfection and embracing our flaws, we can find healing and learn to view those who have hurt us through a more empathetic lens.
The essence of forgiveness has a profound impact on our lives.
When we carry the weight of past grievances, we inadvertently subject ourselves to repeated pain, limiting our own healing. Chronic anger and resentment can trap us in a perpetual fight-or-flight state, affecting our well-being in ways we may not even realize.
In Louise Hay's insightful book, Heal Your Life, she explores the deep connection between mental and physical well-being. Her observations from working with thousands of clients highlight how harboring resentment over time can erode our health and manifest as a real disease within our bodies.
We can’t change the past, but we have the power to reframe our memories.
Life’s circumstances shape each of us in unique ways. Our mindset is influenced by our individual personalities, backgrounds, and life experiences. Hardships, abuse, loss, and illness are a few challenges that people may have faced, making it impossible for us to understand the experience of walking in someone else's shoes.
As we prepare to come together, I’ve discovered that proactive planning and taking a moment to pause can make a huge difference.
By shifting our energy and offering a genuine prayer before the event, it’s as if we are tuning into a higher frequency that transcends any negative energy from the past. This intention helps create a sacred space of understanding and unity.
May this Thanksgiving be a time of healing, understanding, and gratitude for all of us.
Wishing you and your loved ones a happy and healthy celebration.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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