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~dispatches for (un)learning and re-imagining education~
Wounds are question marks yearning for a next sentence. As inhuman violence and tragedies in Gaza, Sudan, Congo, Haiti, Ukraine, Tigray, and Myanmar among many others splay our hearts open, we all look for what these open wounds lead to: what collective healing could be. 
Within these pages we see how different people and communities have answered to the wounds that puncture the self and the whole. We begin with our Palestinian friend, Ahmed’s M. Saleh’s beautiful expression of pain in his poetry. We find stories of deepening connections, of finding answers within women’s circles and of holding space for safe sharing as in Paulina Jimenez’s piece “the Labyrinth Within” and of co-relating beyond our species, as Doerte Weig shows how the ecosomatic can nourish us. On another level we see the deep need for the collective mourning process as shared by Eliana Otto’s investigations in Peru and Athens. We immerse into a great weave of stories, voices, hearts, and dreams of Mushuk Away, the vibrant Ecuadorian web of ecoversities. Finally, a booklet by the GTDF Collective that shares a Global Citizenship Education program that imagines the construction of a decolonial world, an OTHERWISE world, that gives guidance on how to suspend assumption and open ourselves to experience. 
We hope that as you read these works, you may find sentences for your own, your community’s, healing.
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Why an online Magazine?
The Ecoversities Alliance has a rich and growing library of commissioned publications, contributed by members since 2018. Ecoversities Magazine is a periodic dispatch of gifts from this library; essays, books, articles, films, podcasts, and multimedia publications on themes related to our ongoing and multilayered research in the Alliance and within the larger ecosystem of re-imagining education. 

We invite you to let your intuitive self guide your exploration through this compost heap of provocations, questions, inspiration, stories, experiences, cosmolivings from all over the world, may they enrich your soil and support you as you navigate the wilds of learning and unlearning.
What's the Ecoversities Alliance?

 The Ecoversities Alliance is a network of people from all over the world that are re-claiming knowledges to radically re-imagine higher education, cultivate human and ecological flourishing. 
Our work involves:
  • Supporting learners and communities around the world to reclaim their own processes of un/learning, knowledge co-creation and sharing, and community building.
  • Inspiring, nourishing, connecting, and giving visibility to diverse Ecoversities initiatives around the world.
  • Building solidarities, collective inquiries, inter-cultural dialogue, and new experiments in higher education.
  • Nurturing an ecology of knowledge, radical pedagogies, and learning commons which expands human consciousness and cultural and ecological regeneration.
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The Ecoversities Alliance is a community of learning practitioners from around the world committed to re-imagining higher education to cultivate human and ecological flourishing in response to the critical challenges of our times.
You can always connect with us at