A lot of people think that they make you hip, smarter, happier, and more relaxed. Some people will have you believe that drugs are harmless. Some will go even further than that and will try to tell you that they are beneficial. So, what do you think? If you answered yes, then you are in for a rude awakening my friends. If drugs have a place inside your inner circle, then congratulations, you just let the enemy into your home and gave them full access to everything. Now just sit back and watch as they slowly destroy you and everything you care about. But don’t worry, you’ll be too numb and confused to do anything about it. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, drugs are for losers. I’m not just referring to opioid addiction, (which, by the way, claims more lives per day than car accidents, gun violence, or breast cancer) I’m talking about all kinds of drugs. It doesn’t matter if they are legal, illegal, natural, synthetic, or how mild or strong they are. If you wouldn’t take it in front of your kids or in front of an audience, then chances are there is some guilt there, isn’t there? They all have one thing in common: They mess up your brain and body in ways you can’t even imagine. |
While today’s topic is really focusing on psychoactive drugs, we can’t do a newsletter like this unless we cover ALL drugs including the those that readily convenient to us in retail form. This type of drug is right there at our fingertips in every kind of store, caffeinated drinks, sleeping aids…even paint thinner (yes, we’ve all probably known someone who has). Whether you know it or not, you have a relationship with those products as well. If using these products does not cause you guilt, then you’re in a good place. It’s not antithetical to your conscience. When we feel guilt over a substance, we hide behaviors, signs, symptoms, and things having anything to do with the drug. If this sounds like you, then your relationship with a substance is not healthy. That’s where we use our guilt as a guide. Having a cup of coffee in the morning is not an indicator that you will do cocaine in the evening. Yes, they are both drugs, but let me ask you this: I’m sure you’d enjoy a cup of coffee having breakfast with your family, but would you blow a line in front of them too? If not, why not? I know why…guilt. The guide you need to be listening to. If you feel zero guilt from taking any drug, then the next question is always bigger: What is your destination and purpose in life? Those who know me know my zero-tolerance stance on vices, including drugs. This even includes the toxic sh*t that your doctors are prescribing you. Yes, they are professionals, but they are also killing us all…one drug prescription at a time. You think they don’t know how addictive pain pills are? Come on now. I realize I’m not a doctor, but you don’t need to be one to know how dangerous big pharma is. Bottom line, prescription painkillers and drugs in similar classes are both addictive and deadly. They have already been proven to damage the heart, lungs, and brain and they also make you dependent on them, so you’ll need more to feel the same effect after a while. It’s never ending. Still not convinced? All those fans of Oxy and pills like it should know about what happened to Purdue Pharma. After raking in billions in sales and ending thousands of lives, they were sued, went bankrupt and were ordered to pay a multi-billion-dollar settlement. You think that would have happened if their pills were safe? There are so many other ways to manage pain like physical therapy, meditation, and even non-opioid medications. If your doctor isn’t even willing to have a conversation with you about alternative options to drugs, then you need to ask why…I can tell you why, but that is a whole different newsletter in itself. Simply put, the only way drug companies make money is through more doctors prescribing more pills. But aside from scenarios like this, I meet people all the time who talk to me about trauma they’ve survived as children or as adults and how certain drugs help numb the mental and emotional pain, so they feel like they can function. Taking drugs to cope with trauma isn’t effective or sustainable. Drugs may temporarily numb your pain, but they do absolutely nothing to address the root cause of your trauma. In fact, drugs can make your trauma worse by interfering with your brain’s natural healing process. The number one way to cope with trauma is to engage in positive self-care and learn new coping skills and techniques. There are literally hundreds of methods out there, so for someone to say that nothing works for you other than drugs, then a serious reality check is required. |
what are we really looking at here? …The fear of pain. |
Not the pain from a broken bone, but the pain in our minds and hearts that cause us to look for any remedy that pauses our perceived misery. It’s a desperation move, and while I understand why people do it, it’s still completely wrong and counterproductive. How often have I discussed the power of resilience and confidence? It applies here too. To get over a past trauma, you need to process it. How that happens is different for everyone, but I can assure you that drugs are not going to help in that process. Living vice-free may not be the most popular lifestyle, but it’s the right way. It’s a truth that a lot of people don’t like to hear because they think they are the strong ones who are able to drink, smoke, and do whatever else, and still function at work…and because of that, they think there is no problem. They couldn’t be more f*cking wrong. And while we’re on the topic of truth (one of my all-time favorites), I wanted to share some facts and myths to help you understand my point: Marijuana Myth: It’s just a plant that can help with various medical conditions Fact: During and after the high, it increases your risk of developing anxiety and depression. It also negatively affects your heart rate, blood pressure, and immune system. Just a harmless little plant…right Alcohol Myth: It’s a social “lubricant” that helps you relax and feel more confident and fun Fact: Stop it. Alcohol causes liver and brain damage, heart disease, cancer, and more. There are over 95k alcohol-related deaths each year in the US. Don’t even try defending that. Cigarettes/Vapes Myth: It helps you cope with stress, lose weight, and stay alert Fact: Smoking tobacco or vape oil has the ability to harm every single organ in your body and cause cancer, a stroke, or even a heart attack. And people pay $15 a pack to have terrible breath and die a little sooner than they normally would. Prescription Drugs Myth: They are all safe because doctors prescribe them. Fact: Prescription drugs are highly addictive, and all of them, not just some of them, come with serious side effects that might solve one problem but create a bunch more. What is the point of taking a pill for back pain when the next day you’ll be constipated with heart palpitations and a liver overwhelmed with toxic chemicals? |
So what I’m saying is that the journey of addiction is what can make you become a loser. That is why I said what I said. I care about all of you and none of you are losers, but the risk of becoming one is there with every unnecessary sip, puff, and pill pop. I was even on that path myself. I truly was. But like I changed paths, you can too. These are just a few examples of how addiction and vices can ruin your life. There are so many more I can give you, and not one of them is pretty or ends up well. |
Bottom line, your vices are not the answer to your problems. They are the cause of more problems. You don’t need drugs to cope with trauma, stress, or boredom when what you are really looking for is help and support. |
Remember, you’re not a loser, you’re a winner and winners don’t do drugs, winners do life, and even if they don’t get it right, they don’t run or hide behind drugs if things get tough. You deserve to heal from your trauma and pain and live the fulfilling life you’ve dreamed of, but replacing old pain with new pain is not the way to get there. I’m here to take that journey with you. You know where to find me with questions. |
I'll see you in the next one, |