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"I need to focus."
If you’re feeling aimless, 'unheld', or like you need to gather your energy in a little closer… Rethinking what focus means to you can help.
What type of focus does this day, does this project, does this season require of you?
When thinking about focus, the noun, (aka what to focus on not how to focus) we can:
  • Focus on one thing. One business, one project, one goal.
  • Focus on the season ahead of us. “I just need to get through this stretch.” I just need to get through year-end, the winter, this collection launch, this fundraising round…
  • Focus on one intention across all of your work. Income stability. Building your body of work. Visibility. (Self) Leadership.
  • Focus in a given direction. Toward something we want, need, or are curious about. A direction can be as simple as a question. “What would someone who loves themselves do?”
It's worth noting that you do not have to do “one thing” to be focused. If you’re someone who naturally likes having many projects/businesses on the go, or you’re in a season that requires split focus, draw a bigger circle. Seek your definition of focus in something larger. What is broad enough to meaningfully encompass all of it? (This is where a guiding question, word, principle, or feeling state can work well.)
You've likely landed on a good-for-you, good-for-now, or good-enough focus when you get a felt sense of clarity, momentum, or meaning. 
Good focus propels us toward what we want. It points, it directs, it leads
And focus, the noun, allows for focused, the verb.
Connecting with our focus can perk us up, gather our energy, and bring needed perspective on tough days.
What type of focus does this day, does this project, does this season require of you?
What honours the work, what honours you?
Reply and let me know, 
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News & Updates
  • I had a great time presenting at FP Canada's Financial Planning Week conference yesterday. I spoke about embracing grey areas, surfacing your values, and building your own code of ethics. I hope to offer an extended version of this talk soon (where I get to expand on creating your own social sharing guidelines). I'd love to do more teaching work and I'm looking forward to partnering with organizations/teams to offer trainings and workshops. (Have an idea of who I should talk to? Email me!)
  • I'm thinking of opening up a few spaces for Strategy Design, a two month partnership that lets us revisit and revise your business direction and/or marketing strategy. If you're wanting new perspective on your business, have been curious about working together, and sense that you really only need a handful of sessions rather than a longer-term advising partnership… Let me know. Reply to this email and I’ll send you a bit more information and/or book some time to chat. This two month, four session package is priced between $1800-3600 CAD.
P.S. The header photo was taken at Musée des beaux-arts in Montreal last spring. It was my first visit back to the city since finishing my undergrad there a decade ago. Travel has a unique way of surfacing needed focus for me, and this photo embodies the clarity, light, and direction that being focused makes me feel.
P.P.S. Soft Work — Deep Work. This playlist has been helping me tune in.
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