On my 39th birthday I gifted myself the opportunity to reinvent who I was becoming through Wyld. A thousand baby steps led me to making this inspired change. This idea was not magnanimous or confident. I was unsure and confused, but here are a few lessons that I learned along the way:
Listening to the advice or ideas of others is kind. Ultimately, trust your own instincts and intuition. As a creator, you must follow your own path.
Stay out of the box. You aren’t looking for a blueprint so that you can coast the rest of the way. I am up for the challenge and creating flow.
You don’t have to know everything. Just move in the direction you want to go.
Keep it simple. Keep it simple.
I guess that last piece of advice was so short, I felt like I should list it twice. Simple thoughts. Simple intentions. Simple practices. 
Gratitude in all things.
When you feel like you are stuck or maybe even driving the struggle bus; take a step back, breathe practice gratitude, and return to your purpose (the simpler the better).
I didn’t set out to change the world, but funny enough, that is exactly what I am doing. You can too! In fact, I need you to the change the world with me. The opportunity to grow and change rarely shows up in a single opportunity (Thank goodness. I think I would have botched it). Instead, we have boundless opportunities daily. If I were with you, I’d give you a love smack on your bum and tell you to “Get out there and change your world!”.
Keep living Wyld my friends. 
Stay Wyld,