Hi friends! Welcome to my monthly email where I keep you updated on allll the things. I wanted a way to share with you some simple tools to help best move through each month energetically. How I like to do that is via my love of numerology, tarot & astrology. Let's kick off each month feeling in flow, together! 
Welcome to your December energetic update!
Happy December, everyone! December can be filled with reflection and excitement - or pressure to get things ready for the new year. Which is it normally for you? I will say that this month feels light and hopeful even if there are serious things to wade through. So, let's try and celebrate all the growth we've had in 2023 rather than wishing it away. The new year ahead does indeed feel new and we start feeling that newness this month as well. 
Key dates : 
1st - Mercury moves into Capricorn  - Mercury in Capricorn encourages practical communication and strategic thinking. Think of it like a cosmic project manager, helping you organize thoughts and articulate ideas with a touch of earthy efficiency. So, embrace clear, no-nonsense conversations and tackle tasks with a structured mindset during this transit!
4th Venus moves into Scorpio until 12/29 - Venus in Scorpio brings a deep, intense vibe to relationships. Emotions run high, passion peaks, and the desire for intimacy takes center stage. It's a time for profound connections and uncovering hidden desires. Just be careful of being obsessed with finding love and ignoring red flags! 
6th Neptune direct - Neptune has been retrograde since June 30th. With it turning direct unleashes a wave of inspiration and clarity. Dreams become clearer, and creative pursuits gain momentum. It's a cosmic nudge to trust your instincts and embrace a touch of magic in your endeavors. Just be cautious not to get lost in too much idealism – stay grounded!
8th -  last day to buy workbook to make sure you have a day or two buffer for Xmas gifts! (order link below)
12th New Moon in Sagittarius at 20 degrees - The New Moon in Sagittarius sparks adventurous energy. Time to set bold intentions, expand horizons, and embrace a sense of freedom. Think big, dream wild, and let the fiery spirit of Sagittarius guide your new beginnings. Just remember, enthusiasm and a dash of optimism will be your best companions on this lunar journey! This moon is square to Neptune so the optimism could have a touch of delusion mixed in so let's get grounded!
13th - Mercury goes retrograde at 8 degrees of Capricorn (to 22 degrees of & Sagittarius) - Mercury retrograde in Capricorn encourages a positive reassessment of career paths and goals. It's an opportunity to refine strategies, reconnect with mentors, and revisit past projects with a fresh perspective. Embrace the chance to strengthen professional foundations and lay the groundwork for future success. Stay adaptable, and you might uncover hidden gems amidst the cosmic review. 
21st sun moves into Capricorn (Capricorn Season) / Winter Solstice -  It's a time for setting goals, working hard, and embracing structure. As we dive into winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, there's a cosmic nudge to reflect, recharge, and welcome the gradual return of light. Think of it as a celestial reset button for both your ambitions and the seasons! 
22nd - last day to buy numerology year ahead readings that will be sent out by 1/1 (order link below)
26th Full Moon in Cancer at 4 degrees - The Full Moon in Cancer illuminates emotions and nurtures our deepest feelings. Expect a surge of sensitivity, a desire for home comforts, and a spotlight on family dynamics. It's a cosmic invitation to balance your head and heart, finding solace in the cozy corners of your emotional landscape. Embrace the lunar glow and let your intuition guide the way! 
25th last day to order workbook to be ready for the first new moon of the year on 1/11! (order link below)
29th Venus enters Sagittarius -  During Venus's transit in Sagittarius, relationships take on a playful and explorative tone. Partnerships thrive when infused with a sense of adventure and shared ideals. Singles might find love while pursuing new interests or during travel. However, be mindful of the need for freedom and open communication to maintain harmony. It's a time to blend passion with a dash of spontaneity for vibrant connections! 
30th Jupiter direct - I love that we enter the new year with Jupiter going direct!!  Jupiter breaking free from retrograde signals a time of renewed optimism and progress. The cosmic giant resumes its forward journey, bringing a surge of expansion, luck, and broader horizons. It's a cosmic green light to pursue opportunities, set ambitious goals, and embrace the abundant energy that Jupiter showers upon us.
December is a Universal 1 Month in Numerology. 
(2023 is a 7yr)
Collectively for the Universal 7 year, December is a 1 month. A 1 month is an instinctual month that is all about fresh starts and initiatives. The energy is giving anything is possible vibes! Against the background of self-reflection and soul-searching year, this month's sense of freshness gives a spring in our step. I love that the 1month coincides with the Winter Solstice (and it also did with the Spring Equinox in March of this year - you may notice some themes from then)! It's a high powered month but it's marked by your own determination and initiative. It's a great time to launch something, take on new challenges in your career, to start new endeavors, independent leaps, creative projects, be a leader… and just do the damn thing already! Face self doubt head on. While this year may have not felt fair in many ways, this month is offering the chance to realize that you are stronger than you thought. It is asking us to begin again - in whatever way that means for you - it doesn't have to be external, it can be internal like working on what would help you feel more confident. There will be a connection between this month and Feb 2024. Examples - job offer this month but you start in February. 
Let's have a reflection back on the Universal 7 year. Wow did we all have to take a deep look inside, ay? The 7 holds the energy of the inward journey - the connection with the subconscious. We all, regardless of our personal year, needed to tap into our inner needs, intuition, fears, patterns and what needed the most healing. Did you tend to these things? It was also a year of knowledge and creation - did you deep dive into something or create something?  This year allowed for emotions to bubble to the surface so that we could get to the root of them. It was a big reminder for everyone that we need to try and FLOW rather than force. We went inward. We faced the gunk and grew from within. We faced challenges that tested us to the core - and we are all the wiser for it. We are more authentically us now. We get to carry this new wisdom and internal strength into next year. 
We are getting ready to crawl out of hibernation, no longer retracting but acting, for the collective 8 year starting in January! It will be much more external and exciting!
* For my pros that know their personal numerology year & month - the universal energy is the collective energy that we, as a whole, are feeling. It “colors” our personal year. You will feel your personal month more but in blend with the universal month. Or maybe you have it easy like me and are synced with the universal year/month.

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The card of the month is the Fool. Love this card! The Fool card in tarot represents new beginnings, spontaneity, and taking a leap of faith into the unknown. It signifies a journey, often with innocence and an open mind, embracing possibilities without fear of the future. The card encourages embracing change and trusting the process of life. It reminds us that a little naiveté can be refreshing. 
On a deeper level, the Fool card invites introspection into one's life path and choices. It symbolizes the soul's journey toward self-discovery and spiritual growth. The Fool suggests releasing attachments to past experiences, embracing the present moment, and being open to unconventional wisdom. It encourages a mindset of resilience and adaptability, highlighting that sometimes the greatest lessons come from unexpected sources or uncharted territories.
Reflection : Have you been letting past experiences, failures, heartbreak, fears or past patterns get in the way of new leaps of faith, opportunities or your current mindset? What if we could be present in our current wisdom and growth, rather than stuck in our past, and trust? 

BOOK YOUR NUMEROLOGY PERSONAL YEAR AHEAD READINGS -   Back by popular demand! You can book these up until 12/22 and will receive them by 1/1/24. They are ~35min recorded readings covering your personal year ahead in Numerology. I cover the collective numerology energy in these newsletters, which shades your personal year. But the personal year is way more specific to you. 
In numerology, a personal year is calculated using your birth date and the current calendar year. It provides insights into the overarching theme and energy influencing your experiences during that year. Each personal year is associated with a specific number from 1 to 9, and each number carries its own vibrational significance.
Understanding your personal year in numerology can offer guidance on the overall tone of the upcoming months and help you align your actions with the prevailing energy for optimal growth and fulfillment. I cover this + collective astrology is trickled in. You can also gift these! $75.00 / 35ish min / recorded & emailed out to you by 1/1 (we do not meet live)
Get Your 2024 Moon Ritual Workbook  - The workbook is an astrological breakdown for all the new and full moons for 2024 and how to create a ritual around them. The front of the book is filled with moon info to nerd-out on and all of the tools you'll need to start your practice. The bulk of the book is the interactive workbook - reflection on how the specific moon is impacting you, card pulls, ”moon lists" (cut out and burn lists for full moons), and a page for journaling. I designed it based off of my moon events that I have been doing for years. HEADS UP : They take TWO WEEKS to deliver because they are print on demand! I want to give everyone plenty of time for ordering for gift-giving season. The first moon of 2024 is on January 11th. They are $44.00 and shipping is included in the US. (Astro Curious Community - y'all get 15% off - will post it in the App soon!) 
Link to purchase - https://themodernastrologer.myshopify.com
Book a Reading - Life is so unpredictable for me at the moment that I have to release dates on a week by week basis. So, if you are looking to get in, keep an eye out on the booking link HERE.
Join Astro Curious If you want to create a spiritual / self care practice surrounding the moon cycles, nerd out of all things spiritual, have community, direct access to me, get in flow with the cosmic cycles and get exclusive workshops then this is for you! It is my favorite thing and I love seeing everyone so in flow with themselves and the energy. It's $25/ mo and cancel anytime. JOIN HERE  Workshops included inside of Astro Curious : Chiron, North/South Node, Progressed Moon, Angles of the Birth Chart, Synastry (compatibility) in astrology

On a personal note : 
Shingles, anyone? Fuuuuuckkk. Wow, universe, wow. I write this after my second week of constant pain that isn't letting up. I had no clue shingles attacked your nerves and was so horrific. Stress likes to make it come out to play - this tracks. Anyways, it's also funny. Because like, seriously? lol.  
While most of November was a shit show (and based on client readings, I am not alone in this!), there was also a goat party that will go down in history. After 12 days in the hospital, my mom got out just in time for her birthday party. She LOVES animals, with a particular fondness to goats and she has always dreamt of having her own. She is always watching animal videos on her phone and she lights up like a little kid anytime we go to farms. Last year at a farm she ignored the numerous warning signs and decided to feed a tortoise only to have it bite through her finger. A true rebel. So, was this not the perfect birthday idea or what? We were graced by 4 baby pygmy goats named Oreo, Lorelai (my personal fave), Josie and Maggie. They are so hilarious and personable! It was the best!
Here is a peak :

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Have a lovely month ahead,
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