Disclaimer :: This article contains sponsored content provided by Energy Ogre. 
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Electricity is a hot topic for Texans! 
We want to run the heat, plug in our devices, stream our favorite shows, and so much more. To do all that and avoid super high bills, you need to have the right electricity plan. 
Having Energy Ogre as your electricity advocate can take the guesswork out of picking an electricity plan and can lower your bill up to 40 percent!
Here are four tips for saving money on your electric bill this year, courtesy the kind folks at Energy Ogre.
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5 Reasons Why Your Electric Bill Might Be High
1) Your Electricity Contract Is Out-of-Date
One of the most common mistakes customers make is simply forgetting about that electricity contract (or even who the provider is). Once you've signed up as a customer with Energy Ogre, you can rest easy knowing you’ve chosen the most cost-effective electricity plan in Texas. You can just set it and forget it!
2) Paying Electric Bills Late

Making your payments on time will help you avoid unnecessary late fees. Missing payments not only results in higher power bills, it can also affect future contracts.

3) Not Understanding the Fine Print 

Picking a Texas electricity plan isn’t easy. There are confusing offers; time of use plans with free nights, weekends, and seasons; and so many numbers and electricity jargon!  It's easy to feel a bit confused. Did you know that every plan comes with an electricity facts label (known as an EFL)? This gives you all the details you need, and shows the payment structure of the plan. 
4) High Energy Use

Appliances such as refrigerators, water heaters, and HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) units tend to consume a significant amount of electricity. To cut back on high energy use, consider adjusting the temperature of your HVAC unit a few degrees, using energy-efficient appliances, and ensuring that your home is properly insulated. Additionally, adopting energy-saving habits like turning off lights when not in use and unplugging electronics when they are not being used can make a substantial difference in reducing energy consumption.

5) Time for a Break-Up

One thing many Texans don’t realize is that you don’t have to wait until the end of a contract to switch electricity providers. That's right! If you find a rate that is much better than the one you’re getting, or is just a better fit, you can choose a switch at any time.

No one signs up to overpay for electricity, and you shouldn’t be the first!
Maybe it's time to find an advocate who wants what’s best for you, not the electricity provider. 
Energy Ogre shops for the best plans (from the best electricity companies in Texas), manages customer accounts, and exists to save you money.
Ready to learn more? 
Or click the button below to find out how Energy Ogre can help you maximize savings on your electric bill. 
xo, Dallas Moms