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December Prompt 1
The first prompt for this month is…
As the weather gets colder and winter approaches, it's kind of funny that the word I associate this time of year with is quite the opposite! But December makes me think of warming hands around mugs of hot cocoa or spiced cider. The warmth of being wrapped up in a chunky sweater or cozy scarf. The feelings and acts of goodwill the holiday season can bring. I was curious--what will warmth inspire us to create? Below are some ideas to help you begin and see where this prompt takes you!

What techniques, colors, shapes, and textures can you use to express warmth?
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  • “For Warmth” by Thich Nhat Hanh
    “To keep a warm heart in a cold world is the real victory.” - Marty Rubin
    "Music brings a warm glow to my vision, thawing mind and muscle from their endless wintering.” - Haruki Murakami
  • Warm Up Here are some warm up exercises to try: 12 simple drawing warm ups and 12 warm drawing exercises - video
  • Use Charcoal Here is a basics for beginners video and here are 6 techniques to try
  • Hygge (Pronounced "hu-ga") is a Scandinavian word that means creating a warm atmosphere and enjoying the good things in life with good people. The 10 principles of the Hygge Manifesto are: Atmosphere, Presence, Pleasure, Equality, Gratitude, Harmony, Comfort, Truce, Togetherness, Shelter.
  • Comfort What brings you comfort?
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I'm curious to see what direction you take this prompt! 
Wishing you warm beginnings as we begin our final month of the year.
Talk to you soon,
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