If you have too much to do and too little time to do it, try this awesome technique! Do a brain dump. Pull out a fresh sheet of paper or page in your journal. Set a timer for five minutes.
Write down anything that comes to mind:
- things you need to do
- things that are stressing you out
- things you are feeling
- things you are worried about
- things you are wishing for
Don't self-censor. Let your pen flow freely. Fill up the page if you have to. The idea is to “empty the contents” of your mind. Once you have everything on the page, take a deep breath.
Use a different colored pen to circle the top-3 priorities you want to tackle. You could pick ONE, but no more than three. Transfer each item to its own page or sticky note and list three mini-steps you can take to complete each task.
Pick your TOP PRIORITY and set a timer for 30 minutes.
Clear your desk and computer of any distractions. Close all your tabs! Put your phone in the other room (turn up the alarm volume if you're using your phone as a timer). Sit down and do the darn thing.
Take a break when the time is up. See how you feel. You'll feel better knowing you made some progress. This tiny accomplishment will give you the boost you need to complete a few more mini-tasks.
Rinse and repeat.
Sometimes, all you need is a little clarity and a little forward movement. ✨