Now, it's time to do some forward thinking.
FINALLLYYYYYYY! This is the best part of New Year's, in my opinion. I mean, how fun is it to visualize the person you're wanting to become? To brainstorm some fresh, new, exciting ideas for the year ahead?
It can't be beat.
That's why I want you to dedicate this ENTIRE WEEK to writing down and visualizing literally all of the ambitious goals/habits/visions you can think of.
Go crazy, First name / friend. Like, so crazy that if all of these goals/habits/visions came true, you'd basically be Beyoncé.
I already know what you're thinking, though. You're like—“yeah, but I've only got 24 hours in a day, Kleist. I will never be able to do all of those things, so what's the point in letting myself fantasize about all of it?”
You're absolutely right, which is why we're going to whittle it down to the most important parts next week. But by giving yourself ample time and space to dream up all the possibilities and imagine all these changes in your life, you'll also be giving yourself ample time and space to figure out exactly which ones will make the greatest impact for you.
(Not to mention—as the New Year comes closer and closer, you will be bombarded with allll these new ideas for “resolutions”. Whether it's someone's new 23-step skincare routine on TikTok or your business friend's 2024 revenue goals, shiny object syndrome will run rampant. I'm guilty of this every year.)
Let's get clear on all the things we actually want NOW—before all the noise hits our feeds—so that by the time we get to December 26th, we're already good as gold.
You can do your envisioning/visualizing in whatever way you please, but these are the ways I like to do it:
- Go through the reflections from last week. For all the “good” things, write down a list of ways you could expand upon them/make those elements even more prevalent in your life. For all the “problem” areas, ideate solutions.
- Journal prompt: write about a “perfect” day in your life—from waking up to going to sleep—where you're implementing every habit you've ever wanted to have.
- Go through your IG or TikTok saves and see if you saved anything that could inspire your lists.
- Throughout the week, no matter where you are, pay attention and ask yourself, “What would make this everyday task better right now?” Keep notes on any findings.
And then meet me back here next week for week 4 :)