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Happy Monday, boo! 
Have you ever felt tired even after a good night's sleep? Or after spending a whole weekend catching up on sleep?
Yeah, me too. So today, I want to talk about why that may be the case.
The simple answer? You're not getting enough rest.
And no, I'm not saying that you need to get more sleep.
SPOILER ALERT: Sleep and rest are not the same thing.
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So what is REST? Let's talk about it…
Most of us were taught that our bodies are well-rested once we've gotten enough sleep. And that is only partially true. Yes, our bodies need sleep to recharge, but we are also missing out on the other types of rest our bodies desperately need.
According to Dr. Saundra Dalton-Smith, author of Sacred Rest: Recover Your Life, Renew Your Energy, Restore Your Sanity, there are 7 different types of rest that our bodies and minds need to function properly. Each type serves a unique purpose and helps us recharge to prevent burnout.
As you read these, I want you to think about your rest deficits (areas that you need to get more rest):
1️⃣ PHYSICAL REST is prioritizing quality sleep and incorporating restorative activities for your body.
  • Getting 7+ hours of sleep
  • Taking power naps as needed
  • Engaging in light stretching or yoga
  • Investing in a good mattress and pillows
  • Booking a massage session

2️⃣ MENTAL REST is unplugging and giving your brain a breather, especially in a world saturated with so much information and stimuli. 
  • Setting aside time to unplug from electronic devices
  • Practicing mindfulness meditation
  • Taking short breaks throughout the day
  • Creating a work shutdown ritual
  • Writing down your to-dos before bed

3️⃣ SENSORY REST is escaping the noise and technology that may cause your mind to be overstimulated. 
  • Taking a break from social media
  • Turning off notifications (sounds and visual alerts)
  • Limiting screen time and exposure to artificial light
  • Using noise-cancelling headphones in noisy environments
  • Spending time in nature without distractions

Rest is not a sign of weakness but a testament to my wisdom. Today, I affirm my right to pause, relax, and replenish, knowing it fuels my journey toward a balanced life.
4️⃣ SPIRITUAL REST is connecting with your inner self and being a part of something bigger than yourself.  
  • Engaging in prayer, meditation
  • Working at a job that feels purpose-driven
  • Practicing gratitude through journaling
  • Finding a passion or hobby outside of work
  • Volunteering in your local community

5️⃣ SOCIAL REST is finding a balance between socializing and solitude.
  • Spending more time with people who uplift and support you
  • Spending time with people who drain your energy
  • Setting boundaries and communicating your needs
  • Scheduling regular alone time to recharge
  • Saying no to social events if you're feeling overwhelmed

6️⃣ EMOTIONAL REST is giving yourself permission to feel and express your emotions without judgment.
  • Sharing your feelings with a trusted friend or therapist
  • Practicing self-compassion and giving yourself grace
  • Engaging in activities that bring you joy 
  • Setting boundaries with people who may be emotionally draining
  • Releasing the need to be a people pleaser

7️⃣ CREATIVE REST is recharging your creative energy, finding inspiration, and appreciating beauty in any form. 
  • Trying new experiences, such as visiting museum
  • Engaging in activities that stimulate your creativity
  • Surrounding yourself with people who encourage your creative pursuits
  • Setting aside time for daydreaming or brainstorming new ideas
  • Reading a book, listening to music, painting, going to a concert, etc

TAKING ACTION: Now that you understand the different forms of rest, I encourage you to pick 2-3 that you will prioritize this week. Remember that rest is not a luxury, but a necessity for your overall wellbeing.
Oh, and don't forget to download my FREE Self-Care Calendar for the month of December! 

Whenever you're ready, here are 2 ways we can work together:
Have a great week!
Ariel Belgrave, CPT
Certified Health & Fitness Coach
Corporate Wellness Strategist
Board Member, Women's Health Mag
Under Armour Athlete
P.S. Feel free to forward this email to someone who could use this wisdom (sharing is caring!)