Good Afternoon My Rising Vibe friend 🤗,
I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family last week!
It’s been a busy week after the holiday, so I wasn't able to finish up this week's article about the energy of ADHD. However, I find this topic to be important as it personally resonates with me. Having struggled with anxiety, I know first hand how it can impact concentration and impulsivity.  Interestingly, I discovered how common it is for midlife women to receive their first ADHD diagnosis later in life.
During my research, I came across a video that you might find intriguing. It deeply impacted me and strengthened my belief that ADHD is connected to trauma. Dr. Gabor Mate, the author of The Myth of Normal, shares the same view as mine - that ADHD has its roots in multigenerational family stress.
According to Dr. Mate, it’s a reversible impairment and a developmental delay that originates in infancy.
In the video, he discusses how trauma can be passed down through generations, offering insightful perspectives.  He emphasizes that blaming ourselves or our parents for these inherited behaviors is unhelpful; it simply happens. 
Various life events can cause stress, leading us to suppress our true selves unconsciously and involuntarily as a survival mechanism.
According to Mate, a mother's love may not always shield her children from stress, as maternal stress often has physiological and psychological effects on the unborn infant. He strongly opposes parent blaming, considering it inaccurate, inappropriate, unscientific, and cruel.
Blaming others has become a societal habit when we feel unsettled or our lives are not going well.
Mate suggests that suppressing our authentic selves contributes to multiple physical and mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, addiction, autoimmune diseases, and frequent illnesses or pains.
I highly encourage you to watch the video as it sheds light on healing from multigenerational stress. Instead of blame, let's focus on understanding, compassion, and the potential for positive change.
This video provides valuable insights, so please take a moment to watch.  I'd love to hear your thoughts, just hit the Reply button below. 
Together, let's raise our collective vibration and support each other's growth and healing.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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