The Island View
Monthly Newsletter
Dear SML Community,
I speak for all of us at the lab in wishing everyone in the SML community a joyful holiday season. We hope that, wherever you find yourself at year’s end, you have an opportunity to reconnect with loved ones and find time to reflect on the moments from this past year that have brought fulfillment and happiness into your lives. We are grateful for the constant support that we receive from our entire community. It motivates us to keep doing the work that we do to make SML a leader in undergraduate marine science education. Thank you!
As we round the corner on another amazing year, I am excited about the possibilities that lie ahead for SML in 2024. We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of our new Executive Director, Dr. Sara Morris!! The staff have been busy outlining plans for next year so that her first full summer on island will be a successful one. Thanks to our faculty, we have an exciting set of courses being offered next summer and are finalizing plans for undergraduate researchers, public programs and everything else that goes into a summer on Appledore. 2024 will undoubtedly be another action-packed year at the lab!
From all the SML staff, we wish you peace and joy this holiday season and a happy new year!
All the best, 
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David Buck
Interim Executive Director
Shoals Marine Laboratory
Shout out to Zach and Ross!
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Zach Charewicz, Lead Engineer and Ross Hansen, Director of Facilities 
On November 10, the dock on Appledore was hauled, thus ending the 2023 post-season on the island. It may sometimes be difficult for many to appreciate the work it takes to keep Shoals Marine Lab facilities running smoothly, and at times even appear automatic. But if you look behind the curtain there are two gentlemen that could be likened to the great Wizard of Oz, but without the theatrics: Ross and Zach. The truth is the magic of the island isn't just made during the summer. A great deal of hard work and planning goes into off-season upgrades, maintenance and repairs that makes the summer season so amazing. Often enough it's a thankless job in a windy, wet, and cold environment, so I'd like to give a big shout out to Ross and Zach for helping facilitate the much-needed work done on the island. So, when you see them next summer on the island after a hot shower with fresh, clean water, and with working electricity, be sure to give them a quick thank you. 
Stay safe and stay salty,
Captain Steve
And our new Executive Director is…
Dr. Sara Morris!
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We are thrilled to announce that Dr. Sara Morris will be the next Executive Director of the Shoals Marine Laboratory.  Sara will be coming to the ED position with a passionate, longstanding connection to SML, an outstanding reputation in the American ornithological scientific community, and significant executive leadership experience at Canisius College in her role as Vice President for Academic Affairs. 
Sara has served as the longtime director for the Appledore Island Migration Station, the lab's bird banding program that runs each spring and autumn. Her ties to the island run the gamut from lecturing in field marine science teaching courses about marine science, field ornithology and ecology to supporting SML's necessary functions. As she prepares for her new role starting Feb. 3, 2024, Morris has great enthusiasm for leading SML into the future. Sara's excitement for her new role advocating for all of SML is palpable and contagious. We look forward to SML's future with her at the helm! 
Congratulations to this year's 
Anderson Award recipient:
Madeleine Wenger
The purpose of this Award is to honor the memory of John M. Anderson, preserve his legacy, and recognize an outstanding Cornell undergraduate student whose career path has been significantly influenced by the Shoals Marine Laboratory. Madeleine has interacted with SML in many ways as a student, intern, and artist. We wish her the best as she continues her journey and career in marine science!
A big thank you to all who purchased an oystercatcher shirt!
Orders are being placed and should be arriving to you mid-late December. We hope you enjoy!
Help us end the year strong!
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Make a gift to SML during our end of year appeal here
Thank you to those who have already contributed, 
we are grateful for your support! 
On the Lookout: Seasonal Staff Housing on the Mainland
Our beloved seasonal staff need a home away from Appledore during their time-off and our usual rental option no longer accommodates.
If you or someone you know has a 3–5-bedroom house for rent from April 15 - September 28, 2024 in the greater Portsmouth area, or if you have another creative solution, we’d love to hear from you! Please reach out to us at
And stay tuned for seasonal job postings!…
Shoals Marine Lab offices will be closed from 
Dec. 25th - Jan. 1st. 
Wishing everyone a happy holiday season, 
see you next year!
Follow Shoals on Instagram!
Shoals Marine Laboratory is a joint partnership between Cornell University and the University of New Hampshire.