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Believe it or not, that subject line wasn’t lying… 👀
You pour so much time and energy (and money) into your kiddos each and every year, and I think you need to treat yourself, too!
How would you like to do just that without it costing you a penny?  
I’ve collaborated with some amazing teachers to bring you over 26 free lessons and activities FOR FREE (Valued $200) because…
Well… you deserve it!! 🙌
That means freebies and priceless teacher tips straight to your inbox! Hard to beat. (But you can unsubscribe at any time!)
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Pretty amazing right?
And you can grab other free resources that include things like:
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Imagine how much easier the year will be with free ready-to-go resources! You’ll have the time (and money) to enjoy time at school and go home without worrying about your plans!🤯
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Let me know which of these freebies is your favorite
'cuz I want to hear from you
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Stay tuned for more next week, my friend!

Lots of love,

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psst...what you might have

missed on instagram

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