Good Afternoon My Rising Vibe friend 🤗,
As we inch our way through December, we’re getting closer to a fresh new year.  It might seem premature to think about setting goals next year, but since it was the topic for my writing group this month, I wanted to share a few things I learned.
I loved the idea of dedicating time and space to planning the year ahead in a way that feels balanced and in harmony with myself. Creating a purposeful design allows me to complete projects at a pace that feels right.
Plus, thinking about how I want to feel reminds me of a few habits that I’d like to kick to the curb.
However, change can be challenging. Setting new goals and letting go of habits often requires adopting a mindset shift—one without self-limiting excuses.
If you believe you cannot accomplish something, then you are correct. Your self-belief plays an important role. It’s everything.
Our perspective on the world and how we speak to ourselves often shapes our lives.
How often do we say, "I can't because..." or "It's too difficult because..."? These self-imposed limitations hold us back from pursuing our dreams. But what if, just for a moment, we dared to imagine a life free from these constraints?
The limiting beliefs and behaviors we develop during our lives block our authenticity and blind us to our true nature. This may lead to living on autopilot without conscious intention or awareness.
But there’s a four-letter word we can eliminate from our vocabulary to help with this.
“Ninety-nine percent of the time, when any of us say we can't do something, can't is actually a euphemism for won't,” says Marie Forleo
How about adopting a new mindset: replacing can’t with won’t?
“Can’t” often holds no power, while “won’t” carries more strength.
Won’t has more muscle!
Marie Forleo, author of “Everything Is Figureoutable,” explains it like this:
“Whenever people say things like, “I can’t find the time to write,” or, “I can’t work out because I don’t have time,” or, “I can’t forgive her—it’s just not possible,” they’re limiting themselves without even realizing it.”
“If we replace can’t with won’t, what we get is usually much more honest, Forleo says. We don’t really want to. It’s not a high enough priority. Facing that fact doesn’t make us lazy or bad or unambitious. It makes us honest. And from that place, we can take full responsibility for how we’re spending our most precious resources of time, effort, and attention.”
Let's adopt a new narrative—one of resilience, determination, and unwavering belief in our abilities.
Instead of dwelling on what you cannot do, concentrate on what you refuse to accept or allow in your life. This perspective empowers you to take charge and make intentional choices.
Embrace a new 2024 mindset by cultivating faith and trust. Stop letting the inability to see a solution or predict an outcome restrict your potential.
Let's believe in limitless possibilities and not let self-doubt restrain us.
My coach wisely says that we shouldn't put brackets around our dreams.
This week, let’s focus on breaking free from limiting beliefs by paying attention to how often we use the word "can't." 
Observe how often you say or hear someone else say "I can't." Try substituting it with "I won't" and notice the shift in your emotions.
Let's work towards removing excuses and living our best lives.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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