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Happy Monday, boo! 
Let's take it back to the basics…
Are you drinking enough water?
You should generally aim to drink half your body weight in ounces daily (divide your weight by 2!)
For example, if you weigh…
  • 130lbs → 65oz (8 cups)
  • 145lbs → 73oz (9 cups)
  • 160lbs → 80oz (10 cups)
  • 175lbs → 88oz (11 cups)
  • 200lbs → 100oz (13 cups)
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Why should you drink more water? 
Spoiler alert: It's more than staying hydrated & making sure your pee is clear!
  • Ever wondered how those vitamins and minerals get around your body? Water is like the Uber for nutrients, making sure they reach their destination.
  • Water helps with digestion, breaking down food and ensuring things move along smoothly. Traffic jams in the digestive system are not the business!
  • Your joints need some love, too. Water acts like the WD-40 for your joints, keeping them moving and well-lubricated.
  • Ever notice how you sweat when you're hot? Water helps you cool down by making you sweat, and that's your body's way of staying chill.
  • Kidney stones are no fun. Drinking water helps prevent them by keeping things diluted and less likely to crystalize in your kidneys.
  • Your heart works hard, and water helps it do its job by keeping the blood flowing smoothly through your veins.
  • Water is like your body's own detox program. It helps flush out the stuff you don't need through sweat, pee, and even your breath.
  • Three words: The Glow Up. Water keeps your skin happy, healthy, and radiant. We don't do dry skin over here!

Each glass of water I drink is a step toward a healthier, more energized version of myself.

Here are 3 of my favorite hacks for drinking more water…
1. Sip before every meal.
If you are making dinner at home, sip while you cook and prep. If you're out at a restaurant, ask for water when the server comes around to take drink orders. If you're waiting for your lunch to heat up or your toast to pop, drink water while doing it. Even if you're putting together a snack, drink that water. Habit stacking for the win!
2. Use an app to track your cups and set reminders.
I don't know about you, but I LOVE an app that can hold me accountable. Keeping up with how many glasses I’ve finished has been easy (and fun) with the help of this free app: Water-Reminder - Daily Tracker (IOS and Android). The app's reminders/alerts feature is also clutch (let's be real, it's so easy to have water right in front of you and still forget to drink it!).
3. Set bite-size goals throughout the day.
Instead of setting one big goal of drinking 10 cups a day, give yourself smaller goals by setting time deadlines. For example, drink two glasses of water by 10 A.M., four by lunch, six by 2 P.M., eight by 4pm, and 10 by 6pm. Bite-size goals are a game-changer and can feel less overwhelming.
Hope this helps!

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can support you:
Have a great week!
Ariel Belgrave, CPT
Certified Health & Fitness Coach
Corporate Wellness Strategist
Board Member, Women's Health Mag
Under Armour Athlete
P.S. I encourage you to forward this email to someone who could use this wisdom (sharing is caring!)