Thanks to those of you who completed the
2024 Retreat Survey.
What did we learn?
We heard the majority of you say:
  • You'd like a retreat in the spring or the fall.
  • You don't care if it's over a weekend or during the week.
  • There's no strong preference on where in MO you'd like to have it held.
  • You want to be inspired and grow professionally.
  • You want workshops or breakout sessions.
So, we discussed as a team and have decided to start with an intimate offering at my home in the fall of 2024. This will be kept to a small, private group of around 8-10 women. 
In brief, the concept would be:
Sessions focused on growth and personal development as well as building a side hustle or business
Cuisine (featuring healthy, organic meals by a professional chef with educational component)
Replenishment (in the form of life-giving relationships, a retreat to the country, and information and growth opportunities to expand your mind and heart)
It will be a full, unique experience that I am personally super excited to host and be a part of. Currently, we are shooting for mid-late September with more details to come. If you'd like to be placed on the waiting list, please click the link below. 
I love learning & growing with you-
and all of us at the Salt & Light for women team