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Happy Monday, boo! 
First things first, take a deep breath. Seriously, do it with me…
Inhale the good sh*t (5…4…3…2…1)
Exhale the bullsh*t (5…4…3…2…1)
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You needed that, huh?
Yeah, me too, boo.
There's something about this December that just seems like…A LOT. 
If you are feeling this too, I want you to remember a few things:
Find moments to pause.
I know, easier said than done, right? But you can't pour from an empty cup, so finding those pockets of stillness to recharge is a non-negotiable. Give yourself a moment to breathe and repeat after me: "I am not a superhero, and that's my superpower."
Set those boundaries like a boss.
Your time, your energy—they are precious gifts. Let people know when you need time for yourself, when you need help, and when you're simply maxed out. It's not a sign of weakness; it's a sign of strength and self-awareness.
Give yourself grace.
Yes, that same grace you so effortlessly give to others - you deserve it, too. You're not meant to be everything to everyone. You're not a holiday miracle worker, and that's perfectly okay. Be gentle with yourself. 
Celebrate your wins.
Every single one. The big victories, the small triumphs, and even the ones that feel like straight up survival. Completing a few tasks on that never-ending to-do list? Win. Finding the perfect gift? Win. Surviving that awkward family dinner? Major win. You're doing great, and each win is a testament to your strength and resilience.
Hang in there.
As you sprint towards the 2023 finish line, know that I'm cheering for you, boo. You're unstoppable, remarkable, and phenomenal. You got this!

My energy is focused, my mindset is positive, and I am unstoppable as I approach the end of the year.

Whenever you're ready, here are 3 ways I can support you:
Have a great week!
Ariel Belgrave, CPT
Certified Health & Fitness Coach
Corporate Wellness Strategist
Board Member, Women's Health Mag
Under Armour Athlete
P.S. I encourage you to forward this email to someone who could use this wisdom (sharing is caring!)