Happy New Year!
Welcome to 2024! 
It's a new year, a clean slate & a fresh start! 
Cheers to you and everything that went well in 2023. I hope you celebrated every win and accomplishment with gusto! And, for those things that didn't go the way you had hoped (trust me…we all have those), let's collectively “let them go”.
We have 12 months ahead of us and it's up to us to make the most of them! We get to decide where and with whom to put our energy. One thing I do to help guide my year is to choose a word of inspiration and intent.  
For 2024, I've chosen a word that feels fresh and optimistic!
My 2024 word is BLOOM
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What the new year brings to you will depend a great deal on what you bring to the new year.
~ Vern McLellan

This Month in the Garden
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We don't have any snow on the ground yet, but this is how the garden usually looks during the winter. Things are covered and quiet. I find myself looking out the window and counting the days (80 to be exact) until Spring. But, even once we hit that magical date of March 21st, it will be another month before things are blooming in New York.
If you were wishing you had planted some bulbs in the fall, but didn't get around to it, I have an idea for you. White Flower Farm has “ready to bloom” baskets of hyacinths, daffodils and tulips. They will ship to you in March and you will have blooms in April. I've done this the last 2 years to supplement my own garden and have enjoyed the process as well as the results. 
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The Daily Wellness Step I  Swear By

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Boursin Snowman
I shared this little guy in my Instagram stories and he seemed to have inspired a following. So, I thought I should share this simple “winter” appetizer recipe here! Enjoy in front of a fire!
2 Rounds of Boursin cheese
½ for the head
1 ½ for the body
Roll into balls & wrap in saran wrap/chill
Roll in fresh Parmesan, use extra for “snow”\
Peppercorn for eyes & buttons
Tip of carrot 🥕 for nose
Rosemary for arms
Serve with your favorite crackers

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24 Ways to Kick Start your 2024
Buy a new calendar
Select pens in your favorite color and keep on your desk
Clean out one closet, drawer or room each week of January
Schedule a pickup of your donations 
(I like Vietnam Vets b/c I can schedule online and they take a lot of things)
Buy fun stamps  and new stationery
Treat yourself to fresh flowers
Get rid of dingy towels and take advantage of a white sale
Delete duplicate & bad photos on your phone
Update your holiday card list so you are ready for next year
Drink warm lemon water before you have your coffee or tea
Get outside every day - walk, run, hike
Stretch 10 minutes a day
Plan 1 fun, new activity or adventure each month
Listen to the audiobook Atomic Habits by James Clear
Try a new hobby - I'm doing needlepoint & calligraphy
Reach out to a friend you haven't seen in a while
Gather some book recommendations & make a list 
Make dinner reservations someplace new for Feb
Fill a carafe of water each night for the following day
Schedule your dentist & doctor appts for the year
Get a pedicure, even though no one will see it
Listen to a new podcast 
Write down all you accomplished in 2023
Start researching or planning a special trip

Happy New Year!
 May it be your best one yet!
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LivE Give
 Until next time…  xxElizabeth