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Dear members,
As we approach the end of 2023, I am filled with pride and gratitude. This year has been an incredible journey for us all, one rich with growth and accomplishments that have not only shaped our section but also prepared us for the exciting path that lies ahead. It’s been a year where each step we took was a stride towards a brighter, more vibrant future for our club and the mountaineering community.
We experienced an inspiring surge in our membership, bringing new vitality and diverse perspectives into our fold. Our strategic land acquisitions, notably Dome Pools and Paardekraal, have been pivotal in expanding our mountaineering playground and preserving the pristine mountain landscape we so cherish. The re-introduction of the Marketing portfolio has been a game-changer, launching a revamped newsletter and establishing Community WhatsApp groups to enhance our communication and engagement. These initiatives have brought us closer together, ensuring that every member stays informed and connected. We also renewed our relationships with the Magalies section through joint meets, property purchases, and closer collaboration between our committees.
The dedication of our Conservation portfolio has been a beacon of our commitment to the mountains we love. A crop of new Conservation meet leaders has taken up the reins and inspiring new members to learn about the Magalies ecosystem. Their work has been crucial in maintaining the balance between our mountaineering activities and the natural ecosystems.
Our club's activities, especially within the Hiking portfolio, have seen a significant expansion, offering more opportunities than ever for members to explore and connect with our mountains. The Community Projects portfolio has been instrumental in fostering diversity within the club, organizing inclusive events that embrace various groups. Furthermore, the launch of our part-time clubhouse has become a central hub for socials, talks, and events, enhancing our sense of community and shared knowledge.
I extend my deepest gratitude to everyone who contributed to this incredible year. 
A special mention to our dynamic administrator, Dylan, who has been pivotal in realizing the committee's vision. To our passionate members, your engagement is the cornerstone of our club's success. To our devoted committee, subcommittee members, meet leaders, and volunteers, your unwavering commitment and hard work have brought our dreams to fruition. To our landowners and supporters, your collaboration has been vital to our accomplishments. 
As we eagerly anticipate the adventures of 2024, let's continue to unite in our love for the mountains, ready to embrace new challenges and create more unforgettable experiences together.
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Recently we were called out for what became a fatality in the mountains. We believe heat and exertion played a significant role in this incident, but we can only speculate on what happened before medical professionals arrived. What we know for sure is that our teams in Gauteng and the Western Cape have, in the past weeks, responded to several heat exposure-related incidents, including hikers with life-threatening heat-related medical emergencies requiring urgent evacuation and hospitalisation.
Plan your hike to avoid the worst of mid-day heat, and where possible, choose a route that offers some shade and protection during breaks
Choose your route based on the abilities and experience of the group. Overexertion can put someone more at risk.
Wear the right clothes. Take a brimmed hat. Wear breathable clothes (like cotton) that covers as much of your body as possible
Use a high-factor sunscreen
Take MORE than the usual 2L of water per person and preferably have spare for others
Go slow. Adopt a pace that the slowest in the party can keep up with, esp. going uphill.
Know when to stop.
Signs of fatigue, headache, dry lips, muscle cramps and difficulty catching breath. Stop instead of waiting for the vomiting or nausea or confusion. Seek shade, hydrate, put their feet up, remove tight clothing and use water to cool down (if you have enough water to spare) and call for advice or notification – If you suspect heatstroke, realise that it is a life-threatening emergency. Stop, make a plan to shade and cool down the person immediately. Call for help.
If you are alone you need to be aware of even the slightest symptoms and address them accordingly before they escalate.
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News & Reminders
Our last tidbits of admin and member updates!
Now that we are at the end of 2023, remember to renew your commitment to the mountains by renewing your MCSA membership.
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Why your contribution matters
Your contributions are not just donations; they are investments in the future of the MCSA. They ensure that we can continue to offer access to, conservation of, and protection of the Magaliesberg. More importantly, they help us maintain our financial stability and independence, allowing us to make decisions that best serve our members and our mission.
A call to action: please donate
Every donation to the club, big or small, makes a difference. Your support in this crucial time will help us pay off our debts promptly and maintain a strong financial foundation. You can donate by transferring money via EFT with your annual membership fees, or you can donate through our web portal. Please consider a recurring payment, which will make a big difference over time.
It is not what the club can do for you, it is what YOU can do for the club.
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We are calling upon all members for contributions for the MCSA's journal for 2023!
The Journal of the MCSA is an annual publication that serves as a record of the mountaineering-related activities of the Club's members. Each year, there are articles and illustrations focusing on the environment, the flora and fauna encountered in remote parts of our country and elsewhere, on search and rescue, and on the history, geology and archaeology of mountain areas. With this extensive range of content, the Journal is also an interesting, informative, entertaining and inspiring work, reflecting the spirit of adventure of the mountaineers and explorers of South Africa.
Guidelines, journal stylesheet, photo template and more documents about the journal can be downloaded from our website below:
If you have any questions, please send an email to 

Explore. Discover. Connect. Protect.
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Office Number:  061 461 8259 
Office Hours: Mon & Wed 15:00 - 20:00, Tues & Thurs 13:00 - 18:00, Fri 9:00 - 12:00