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Hello friends,
I have a few opportunities for us to get together and stitch in January and February!
First, I've rescheduled the Rose workshop (which I had to cancel due to COVID) - please come and join us!!  I'm also offering a Garnet workshop for those of you who would like to try out my newest pattern (you can read more about this new pattern and see lots of versions on my blog).
Plus, two Open Studios on Friday mornings for you to come and hang out and stitch, and our next Studio Sewing Night is on Tuesday, January 16th. 
Here are the details:

Join us for this in-person workshop to sew your own pants (or shorts, or crop pants) using the Rose Sewing Pattern - sewing pleats, elastic waistbands, seam finishes, and fitting tips will be covered.  
Saturday, January 6
9:30 AM - 3 PM
Join us for this in-person workshop to sew your own gathered top with sleeves using the Garnet Sewing Pattern - sewing gathers, square necklines, tucks, and lining a yoke (burrito method) will be covered!
Saturday February 3
9:30 AM - 3 PM
Start your Friday morning right with some slow stitching - come by for an hour or two and sew at the studio. Don't forget to bring a project to work on and your coffee or a mug for tea!
Fridays: Jan 12 & Feb 2
10 AM - Noon
Bring a project to work on (by hand or machine) and join us for a fun night of making at my downtown studio.
Tuesday, January 16
7-9 PM

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And just a little update on my space: I'll be in my current studio space until the end of February. After that it's a bit up in the air at the moment. If you were at the last meetup you know that I did negotiate with my landlord to stay for two more years, but then…well, I changed my mind. I decided that the space just isn't right for me - the biggest reason being that the downtown location isn't really convenient for meetups and classes, with parking and accessibility being a primary issue. I'm looking for other spaces and will keep you posted.
I hope to see you at one or all of these events!! 
If you're planning to join us, please sign up for classes at least 48 hours in advance, and meetups/open studios by 9 am the day of so we know to plan on you. Events will run with 3 or more people signed up!
happy sewing,
PS. I am also still offering 2 hour private lessons: How to Use a Sewing Machine and How to Use a Serger lessons at my studio if you or anyone you know is interested!

sew ann arbor info

Founded by Karen LePage and Rae Hoekstra in 2010, our meetups are held at the Made by Rae studio in downtown Ann Arbor. Our mission is to create a friendly, low-pressure social event to encourage creating and to connect our local sewing community. All skills, all makers welcome - Ages 16+
Bring your own project (sew, knitting, mending, etc) to work on and your machine if applicable. Irons and ironing boards are provided; cutting surfaces will be set up as space allows. 
Masks are welcome but not required as Washtenaw County is at CDC community level “low.” Please stay home if you are experiencing respiratory symptoms or other COVID symptoms, or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID. Let's make everyone feel comfortable and protect those with vulnerable friends and family.  
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