Hey there!
As you may have seen, my signature offering, The Foundations of Wellbeing is open once again! 
This 8-week program will help you: 
  • 1) Reset your wellness habits
  • 2) Improve your nutrition, energy levels, & wellness routines
  • 3) Simplify what “being healthy” looks like for YOU, and 
  • 4) SHOW you how to actually be consistent with it!
And, sure, you're thinking that sounds great and all, buuuut….
  • It feels hard to spend money on our health.
  • Heck, it can feel hard to spend money on ourselves. 
Listen-- I get it.  
As women, we so often put others before our own needs, and it can feel downright scary to invest in ourselves, our health, our happiness.
So I wanted to let you know that I get it. I KNOW this is a big purchase, and I *genuinely* want it to be a good fit for you. :)  As always – you can shoot me an email or send me an instagram DM with any questions you have about the program  (or just check out the details here!) 
But, to cover the basics, here are a few questions that have popped in my inbox this week!
Q: This sounds amazing, but can this help me if I am not really a ~wellness guru~?
A: Great question. This course is totally designed EVERYDAY PEOPLE (just like you). If you’re busy, don’t have a ton of time for your health, feel confused on where to start, orrrr feel like you know exactly where to start (but struggle to stick with it and be consistent with your health.) If any of those resonate, there is a place for you here. Think of it as a general health bootcamp that is designed to be realistic for everyday, “ordinary” people. I promise this isn’t about slugging a $14 green juice & going to fancy boutique fitness classes every single day. This course is designed for your average woman who simply is READY to upgrade her overall health. 
Q: I have [fill in blank health condition here]. Is this course helpful for me?
A: I have gotten a lot of questions of people asking if this course will help with their specific health condition (pregnancy, PCOS, digestive concerns, food intolerances, etc).. And while, yes, I truly think these foundational principles of health could benefit most people, this course is NOT focused on one specific condition, nitty gritty diagnostic criteria, lab work, diagnosing, prescribing, etc. If you are looking to upgrade your overall health, this is for you. But if you are looking for a course highly-focused on your specific condition, this is not it.
Q: Okay, but what if I hate it?
A: Sure! No offense taken — I got ya. I designed a pretty tight refund policy 1) I am so proud & confident in the material 2) because it's digital material and I want to protect the content and 3) because I wanted to attract people committed to take their health to the next level, but all of that being said… 

It’s my guarantee to you if the course lets you down, and you think the whole thing stinks, just show me your work and let me know what I could do better, and I’ll offer 100% of your money back in the first 30 days!
Q: How is the course laid out?
A: GREAT question! The 8-week program is an online video course with 8 modules (1 module per week) and each lesson will have a similar framework – a video presentation by me, visual lesson slides, journal prompts, a specific meditation, intention setting, “homework”, AND 8 optional live group health coaching calls with me-- where you can openly discuss what you’re learning and thinking through with fellow health-seeking gals. 

I know that motivation in an online workshop can be a challenge, so I’ve committed to cheering you on every step of the way: my students will be hearing from me as I pop up in their inbox throughout the program, working with me in the live group coaching calls, and each week’s content is designed to time-efficient and REALISTIC for you to work through. 
Q: What topics will we will cover? 
Of course! Here is a peek at the 8-module curriculum: 
  • “NOURISH” Whole food nutrition, how to build meals in a way that actually keeps you full, what to “look for” in food, etc.
  • “FUEL”: Beyond just “eating your vegetables”, these are lesser known hacks to and the HOW behind “healthy eating”. Tangible tips on how to make eating healthy realistic, cooking ideas, healthy hacks for blood sugar stabalizing, weight management, etc.
  •  â€śREST” This one is alllll about sleep – how to get deeper, more restful, more rejuvenating sleep, WHY sleep matters (weight, hormones, etc.), optimal wake/sleep times, holistic hacks for sleep, etc.
  • “MOVE” Yes, we all know we “should” exercise, but what types are best, HOW do you actually fit in a busy day, how often, how to make it a habit, working out with your cycle, etc.
  • “RESTORE” This module is all about stress management, self-care, curating purposeful morning routines, intentional evening routine, holistic ideas for stress management, meditation, etc.
  • “UPGRADE” Mmmm, this is your everyday life, but ~elevated~. How to optimize practical, “everyday” things – finding providers you like, cultivating a health-promoting environment, how to set yourself up for success, etc.
  • “RITUALIZE” Once we’ve set the foundation, we learn holistic habits and integrative therapies as the cherry on top! We will cover a variety of integrative modalities and holistic habits so that you can find the ones that resonate for YOU.
  • “COMMIT” Okay, we’ve learned it – but how do we STICK with it? This module is all about making a plan, setting goals, how to *actually* be consistent, prioritizing, habit stacking, etc. This is where we go from an 8-week course to a LIFESTYLE of healthy choices.
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Q: I am completely ready, but the money scares me!
A: Here’s how it helps me to think it through big investments: costing it out. How much is no energy, feeling uncomfortable in your skin, “quick fix” health purchases, and keeping up wellness fads currently costing you? How much MORE could you do in a day if you didn’t feel that hangry energy slump at 3PM every day? How much more quality time could you dedicate to your business, your family, your WHATEVER if you had more energy? How much more confident would you feel in your everyday life if you felt your best, most vibrant self? How much more peace would you experience if you felt EMPOWERED in your food choices? How much more JOYFUL would you feel if you had concrete rituals for regular self-care, morning routines, etc.?
If FEELING your best & investing in a step-by-step guide to upleveling your health, then it could clearly be a sound investment. 
Q: What does the schedule look like? 

A: The course will “officially” start this Sunday, January 7th (although the first module is already open) and then each Sunday after, a new module will open up for an 8-week period. Then you can work on the content completely on your own pace throughout each week! Group health coaching calls will be held Wednesdays at 12:30PM-1:30PM CST via zoom. (If you have to miss a live coaching call, they will be recorded and you can watch on your own time!)
Q: How long will this course take me?
A: There are 2 parts to this question. I designed it so that if you’re sticking to it, implementing, and tuning in each week, it will take you 8 weeks – 1 module per week for 8 weeks. Easy! 
…But! I understand life gets busy. So, I will leave ALL the content there for 6 months for you to review and go on your own pace. :) 
Q: I’m totally ready to go, how do I sign up?
A: You get instant access the moment you sign up. The first module (all about nutrition & food) is ready & waiting for ya! Simply click here to make it official :) 

Cause 2024 could be the year that you up-level your health once and for all!
Let's do this,
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Still got questions? 
Be sure to tune into this video webinar  with me to learn more & get a taste or the program :)