Weekly DiVa | Dec 31 2023
Where Sleuthing is Always in Style
Happy last day of 2023!  Can you believe we made it? There were some times this year when I wasn't so sure :) My inbox has been flooded with templates for year end reviews, and though the temptation to throw my attention at crafting a 2024 plan is high, I've kept that project to the bare bones so I can leave myself open for possibility and opportunity. 
This year brought back the return of Polyester Monroe, along with her fiction sisters Madison Night and Samantha Kidd. I loved bringing their stories to you! Thank you for coming along for their rides! 
Next week I'll share a little more about what's in the cards for 2024, including something pretty special for you. That wasn't fair, was it? Trust me, it'll be worth the wait!
The other day, I wasn't feeling well, so I spent the day in bed with a book about a NASA secretary in the sixties. After I got into the story, I didn't want to put the book down. But somewhere around 200 I had an uneasy feeling that the book was going to break my heart. (I wasn't wrong.) I loved it, but tears were shed. 
With my sixties space-vibe stoked, I decided to binge-watch The Astronaut Wives' Club, which I purchased on Amazon a few years ago. I remembered the Jell-O molds and the early sixties fashion, (one of which I love and one of which is a little weird), but I'd forgotten about the historical aspect of the show. The show has an undercurrent that you almost don't feel…until you do--wallop, emotions!--and the next thing I knew, I was up until after two a.m. several nights in a row. (and tears were shed.)
There's something about that sixties space race that draws me to it. My TBR pile has six space books on it, next to countless others that I've finished. Books like the one I recently read are auto-purchase in release week for me because I want there to be more of them. 
Except they have put a serious crimp in my sleep cycle! 
We're heading into a new year, and that usually brings with it a return to our good habits and a (sometimes temporary) good-bye to our lesser-beneficial ones, and for me that means getting back to my daily schedule. I have high hopes of bringing you something new in 2024, but if the astronauts continue to keep me up way past my bedtime, we might have a problem :) 
Happy New Year! 

Diane's full book catalog here.

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