I am so excited to see you in 2024
hi there friend!
Yep. I'm that branding bestie of yours!
First of all, I hope you had a great entry to the year 2024.
We all know that the New Year always comes with New Resolutions:
  • New Goals
  • New Self-care
  • New Improvements
  • New Experiences
  • And New Life
And to be honest, I've also got pretty huge plans for this year, especially in terms of my Branding Studio, meaning that you can expect a big flow of content to make your Brand shine as the brightest star at night!
For those who don't know me well enough yet, I would love to give more info about myself, my Branding Studio UHMO, and how I can become your Branding Bestie.✨
There’s something
I need to tell you, my new friend…
 I run a branding studio called UHMO where I help solo lifestyle biz owners create scroll-stopping “brand experiences” that not only catch eyes but boost sales fast and become empires.
👉🏽My secret sauce? Merging my brand strategy framework mixed with fierce and impactful designs.
✨Working on my business and helping others create their dream brand helped me realize that I am healing parts of myself through my brand. And that I want to help others do this more.
✨I learned that being successful and running a successful business was more about a feeling of having total freedom in all aspects of my life. Success is just a word; I was looking for a feeling. The feeling of freedom to say yes to every possibility that arises.
❤️When I’m working, it genuinely doesn’t feel like I’m working. Which makes my job the best one in the world.
😍Knowing how much my clients’ lives will change after working together just makes me sooooo happy.
⚡️I created this brand because when I was younger, I wished for a community like that.
I need the energy and the community. Like I need like-minded babes around me SO MUCH!!!
🫶My reason for becoming more vulnerable is coming from a place of allowing others to do the same when they are around me.
🫧Because when you step into my world as a client, we need to connect on such a deep level that we can only build this relationship through honesty and vulnerability.
🙋🏽‍♀️I will be your business bestie all the way.
I will cheer you on and be honest.
I will believe in you when it feels like no one else does.
I will be your cheerleader in realizing that big-ass dream of yours.
I will tell you it’s possible to become an empire and help you realize that.
And I will always be honest with you when you need it. But always from a place of love and empowerment.
Speak soon, BESTIE!

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