Change Your Life or Be Changed
-Change is inevitable-
The one thing that’s constant in life…is change.
To most, change means uncertainty, and uncertainty brings fear. Because of that, people will avoid change and do whatever they can to stay in their comfort zone and stick to what they’ve done their whole lives. These are the same people who just wait for things to get better without taking any action.
If this sounds like you, and you’re somebody who thinks you can survive in this society by simply maintaining the status quo…think again.
You couldn’t be more wrong.
Change is happening all around you whether you like it or not. Society is constantly evolving, and not always for the better. This coming year will bring even more challenges. It’s in the air, and I think all of you can sense it.
It’s no secret that election years in the US bring a sense of divide, not only politically, but socially and racially too. Just look at the past couple of decades and I dare you to disagree.
With these changes and challenges all around you, it’s going to require you to adapt and develop new skills in order to survive.
Believe it or not, if you don’t adapt to change, you will be left behind. Whether it’s missing out on opportunities, losing your purpose, or just being miserable, by doing nothing, you will become a victim of change, and I think we can all agree that the victim mindset is bullsh*t.
This is why you need to take charge of your life, embrace change, and focus on parts of your life that you can control. You can’t control changes in society, but you can control your attitude towards them as well as your habits and actions.
The world is becoming more expensive. The cost of living is up, the value of money is down, and the gap between the rich and the poor is widening by the day. You don’t need an economics degree to see it happening. You may have also noticed that today’s leaders are not helping the problem. It seems like all they are interested in is creating more conflict, giving in to corruption, and profiting off of chaos.
Knowing these facts about life might make you feel a little hopeless or frustrated, but it shouldn’t. You don’t have to accept the status quo and just suffer the consequences of other people’s decisions.
You have more power than you think.

You have the power to control how you react to change and overcome challenges, but you need to use that power wisely. The quickest and best way to improve your own situation is to rely on yourself and not others. Like I’ve said many times, focus on the things in life that you can control and learn how to let go of what you can’t.
The concept is simple really. By controlling your mindset and habits and not letting others do it for you, you will improve your circumstances. It’s happened to me, and I’ve seen others do it too. It’s also how you can become more confident and capable.
I understand that there are going to be things that happen in life that you have no control over, and they may even have a negative impact on you. It’s what you do in response that makes all the difference. With the right mindset, and the right habits regarding your diet and training, you can build the resilience you need to be able to handle whatever life throws at you.
Listen, I am truly grateful that you read these newsletters because you want to improve your circumstances in life, but reading is not enough. You need to take action.
So, what are you going to do?
Are you going to stay in your comfort zone and wait for things to get better, or are you someone who is strong enough to say f*ck it, I’ll do it myself?
You can either be a victim of change or a master of it
You can’t avoid it, so if you have any desire to improve your life in what is destined to be a year filled with chaos and uncertainty, then you’re in the right place and in a community of people who think just like you do.
You know the choice and responsibility are yours. No one will do it for you, and even though I want to, I can’t do it for you. I am your trusted resource, but when it comes time to execute, you have to take charge and make it happen…by yourself.
Please don’t let this newsletter be just another piece of information that you read and forget. You are way too important. Let this be a catalyst to get you to think about how you can improve your own adaptability and resilience to change.
I’m always here for help, guidance, and support. I want to know that each of you are developing the skills and habits you need to succeed in a changing world.
If you’re still not sure, get in touch with me. You can find me on a lot of different platforms, or you can just reach out to me directly to have your questions answered.
But please don’t delay or waste time. The world is changing even as I write this to you. 
Don’t get left behind
…and if you feel alone in this, you’re not. I’m here.
I’m ready to adapt to whatever changes the world brings, and I want you to be too.
If you’re struggling with this, find me. I’m always here to help.

I believe in you – always have and always will.
I'll see you in the next one,
-Steven Williams

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