Hi First name / My Rising Vibe friend, 🤗
Wishing you an amazing new year!
Guess what? This could turn out to be your best year ever - want to know why?
Because 2024 is right here, right NOW, waiting for you to embrace it.
All you really have is the present, so if you focus on making each moment count, amazing things can happen.
Many of us have already gone all in on our New Year's resolutions. I can feel the excitement and enthusiasm of a fresh start is in the air - conversations about things like Whole 30, Dry January, and various new technologies to help us stay on track with our wellness goals.
But, something more important to remember as we move forward this year. 
You are not a project, you are a person.
Above all, be kind to yourself and remember to love who you are right NOW.
Inspiration, fulfillment, and purpose are necessary for lifelong growth and learning -- which is my mission at My Rising Vibe. However, let’s avoid placing unreasonable expectations on ourselves and strive to live life at our own pace, enjoying each unique moment.
When we adopt a growth mindset and consistently take action, we get to play, learn, grow, and get better over time.
Being consistent is not the same as being perfect.
Perfection is the enemy of progress.
As explained by Marie Forleo, author of “Everything is Figureoutable”:
“None of us are immune to perfectionism. It’s a psychological barrier that can show up every dang day. Perfection is an illusion, and striving for perfection sets you up for failure."
Marie suggests a simple mantra that works magic to achieving your goals:
This mantra is about taking consistent action, without expecting the road to be free of bumps, bruises, or detours. Striving for progress over perfection means being committed to learning, growing, evolving, and improving.
Sounds simple, right?
Yay, it’s 2024. The time is right for you to put forth your best effort!
Remember, we're all in this life together.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.
Love + Wellness to You!
p.s. Want to share the love? Forward this to a friend so they can join in. 
You rock!



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