Written by: Branndon Frail
On November 7th , myself, Kasey Myers (5C Custom Logistics) and Morgan Huffstutler
(National Foods) arrived in Lubbock to conduct the 2024 TFPA Student Scholarship
interviews. We were warmly greeted by Dr. Echeverry and Dr. Thompson in the Texas
Tech University Department of Animal and Food Sciences Building. Before us lie a tight
schedule of interviews with applicants pursuant of degrees in Food Science. After
numerous interviews with some of the most ambitious and engaged minds in this
program, difficult deliberations and decisions had to made. In due course, 3 applicants
were awarded scholarships.
Daniella Rodriguez of Weimar, TX, a first generation college student who had interned
at Vollerman’s Milk and wants to pursue her graduate degree with an interest in
microbiology in the dairy industry, was awarded $5000. Krithika Maki, whose goal is to
be the Director of the FDA and is currently working on 3 different research projects to
better understand how to integrate sorghum into the human diet was awarded $5000.
Kylie Ellis, who will be interning at Hydr8, pays her own way through college by working
nearly full-time. Kylie embodies tenacity and perseverance. Kylie applied last year and
employed suggestions left by TFPA into this years application and will be awarded
In reflection of these interviews with the emerging minds that will guide the next
generation of Texas food scientists, TFPA stands affirmed that supporting the ambitions
of these gifted students is the single most important goal of our association. Texas Tech
offers a robust and rigorous curriculum that hones the passion of these graduates and
our commitment to embolden these dreams is our mission. Interviewing these students
was invigorating and proves TFPA’s investment in Food Science graduates will foster a
lineage of success that paves the way to continued pioneering advancements in our