Katie's Client Corner

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Hey First name / friend!
I know you are focusing on your goals this month…but have you thought about the system that will get you to those goals?
Having goals is important. Believe me, I have a few! However, having a goal-based mindset will limit you to just thinking about the goal you want to reach.
When you think about the system that will get you to that goal (for example, how you will lose weight instead of the goal of just losing weight), you will be able to enjoy the journey instead of just the moment you reach the goal because you will consistently be completing your system each day!
This week, think of the system that will get you to your goal and make a list of what that looks like. Each day, check off each thing you do to get you to your goal and see how much happier that will make you feel than just focusing on the long-term goal.
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Take a look:
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Last week, I asked you to choose a simple habit to commit to each day. This week, let’s add another habit! Consistently show up and practice those two habits this week, I know you can do it!
Remember to keep it simple. Once you have mastered simple habits, you can move on to more challenging ones!
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Podcast Corner
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Atomic Habits, James Clear
A very interesting listen to how James Clear’s life lead him to focusing on small habits. This is a longer podcast but a good listen on a long drive or walk!
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This week in my program!
Here’s what’s happening this week in (insert your program name here):
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Habit Stacking 101
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Taking something you do each day and adding a new habit on top if it is called habit stacking.
This makes it easier to add something new into your routine.
For example, if you enjoy a cup of coffee each morning and want to get more steps in, add a 10-minute walk after your coffee. Or, if you want to start journaling, devote 5 minutes to journaling each morning after your cup of coffee.
Choose something you do each day and add something new to it to help you stick to the new habit!
Can you add the habit you are focusing on this week to something you do each day?
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Easy Snack Ideas
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Check out James Clear’s website to dig deeper into habit stacking.
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Don’t forget to choose the habit you will focus on this week and stack it on top of something you’re already doing each day!
xo, Katie
What's happening on the 'gram…
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