and trusting yourself to act on your plan.
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It looks as though card readings with the new moon might be a theme this year. 
As I was nudged in December, I was guided again today to use this tool to see what kind of message could empower us this month. As a reminder, regardless of what your beliefs are of card readings, my intention is to always be the vehicle for the highest and best. I believe that God, the universe, whomever you turn to, gives us tools to help us understand better, and sometimes I use this tool.
Yesterday's New Moon in Capricorn asks us to put action behind our dreams, goals, and words. You know, “put your money where your mouth is.” In order to be our most expansive and impactful selves we have to launch from a solid foundation that we can always go back to. With intention, a plan, accountability, and a nurturing community we can do anything we set our sights to.
The card shown above asks us to let go of anything that's heavy, any stories we tell ourselves that keep us playing small, any guilt that doesn't make sense that we keep holding even though it weighs us down. It asks us to release ourselves from the cages of our own making and allow ourselves to take up authentic space and expand
Letting go of what no longer serves you will allow you to move agilely and flexibly towards your dreams. It will give you clarity and confidence on where and when to act. It will give you faith in yourself, timing, and the universe. 
The best way to know where to let go?
Ask yourself honestly where you feel heaviest in life right now? Then ask yourself what could you let go to make that lighter? 
Sometimes this is as simple as delegating. Sometimes it's releasing a belief that you have to do it all. Other times it's starting a simple body movement habit a few days a week or grounding and meditating daily like my alma mater's quarterback, J.J.McCarthy (see below for more info). 
The answer will be unique to you. And sometimes you have to test out a few things for awhile to see what empowers you the best. 
I have a knack for helping people hone in on what's ready to be released in order to expand. Knowing what to let go and then doing it is harder than anyone can imagine. It's ok to have someone by your side as you work through this. Plus, the world needs you and your gifts. 
An intention for you: may you trust in the process of letting go and enjoy the feeling of lightness that comes with it.

It Takes a Village
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