Weekly Newsletter

January 2024 vol. 3

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I often tell people that we’ve built a life where every day is a vacation, and for me, that really isn’t too far from the truth. However, Molly has a different idea of what constitutes having a good time, and as she has been working exceptionally hard recently, I thought it would be good to get away a bit.  It’s rarely an option to just pick up and leave because the animals require quite a bit of attention – especially the chickens.  But as we’re between batches of broilers, I figured we could cut out for a week.  And In order to totally disconnect, we decided to go on a cruise.
After a bustling Thanksgiving and Christmas season, filled with both business and family commitments, I was certainly in need of a break.  Although I'm accustomed to living overseas, I wouldn't say I have an innate desire to travel, so, the idea of a cruise struck me as ideal—it promised a blend of relaxation and travel, which seemed perfect.  
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This is the first cruise we’ve ever taken, and likely our last.  Don’t get me wrong, everything was top notch and there was plenty to do.  We got to watch a few shows, enjoy the hot tubs, and I did a bit of gambling, but the long days at sea can get rather monotonous.  The highlights of the cruise were our three port calls – Roatan, Honduras, Cozumel Mexico, and Costa Maya Mexico.
John doesn't enjoy “downtime” so it's a good thing we found plenty of engaging evening entertainment on our trip. John took on the challenge of the rock wall, and as he mentioned, he spent some time in the casino, which provided him with a mental workout. I really appreciated the opportunity to read and to nap and just enjoy being fully disconnected. But I think the thing we both enjoyed the most was the Thermal Spa which offered both an infrared and steam sauna. After two days of relaxation, I was ready to get out and do something.
In Roatan we had a private island tour from a young man named Benson.  I always enjoy talking with young people about their perspectives, so it was especially insightful to hear from someone born and raised on the island.  Roatan has an interesting history, and the native language is English so that was a big plus.  We got to take a boat ride through the mangrove tunnels, but the highlight of the trip was snorkeling on the barrier reef.  It was only a few feet below the surface and was full of life. I was even able to snatch up a few empty conch shells and smuggle them back onboard the ship. 
I, too loved Roatan Unlike the other relatively flat places we visited, this island was mountainous and visually stunning. John's enthusiasm as he immersed himself in new experiences and activities was a joy for me – especially his excitement during his first snorkeling adventure!
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We next visited Cozumel and got to visit a mock Mayan village where we learned a bit about the Mayan culture and got to make chocolate and tortillas.  The snorkeling on Cozumel was a big letdown compared to Roatan.  There was very little coral, and the ocean floor was 15-20 feet below us. Unlike Roatan, Cozumel has been catering to tourists since the days of Cortez, so it was too commercial for my taste as I’m not into shopping.
The Mayan village experience was awesome and the array of meat and salsas they provided for our tortillas was the best tasting food we had on this vacation. I do believe that there are better locations for snorkeling on Cozumel, we just didn't visit them.
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Lastly, we made a short stop in Costa Maya where we took a long drive inland to visit the Mayan ruins of Chocchoben.  These ruins are an active archeological site that is still being unearthed and it was very interesting to see the multiple temples and living quarters in their different stages of excavation.   Having a degree in Archaeology, I think Molly particularly enjoyed Chocchoben.  The port of Costa Maya, having been built by the cruise lines, is even more commercial than Cozumel, so running the gauntlet of vendors in the port and getting inland is a must unless you live to shop. 
I normally enjoy shopping, but I really didn't like the large maze of vendors we were forced to navigate on our way to town either, and their aggressive tactics made me reflect on my own experience as a vendor - I sure hope I'm not as irritating as they are :)
The ruins of Chocchoben were very interesting and the best part of this tour was that it wasn't rushed and our guide was both engaging and well informed - there were very few questions he couldn't answer.  
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It was definitely nice to get away, but next time, instead of a cruise, I think we’ll just take a plane.  That way we’ll get to spend more time in one area and really explore and learn.  Three days at sea is just too much idle time and I’ll have to sell a lot more meat before I can afford to hang out at the casino again.  The one thing I’m sure we both agree on – IT SURE IS GOOD TO BE HOME.
There's no place like home and. despite the freezing weather (quite the contrast to the Caribbean) we're glad to be back. Big thanks to our son Jordan for watching the farm for us while we were away, to my dad, Robert, for getting our newest batch of broiler chicks settled in, and to Delana, our neighbor, for gathering eggs and keeping an eye on things. We're looking forward to seeing you all at the markets this week!  
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Weekly Markets

REMINDER: We bring pre-orders in to the Pflugerville market location on each Tuesday the market is closed. 
Be sure to place your order before noon that Tuesday. 


Monthly Markets

Be well, 

stay safe,


John & Molly
