Wanna hear something funny? I thought today was Monday 😳. It's Tuesday, I lost a whole day! How does that happen? 😝
This email is about the Facebook group I run for this business. Here is the thing: I don't know what to do with it
There are 9K people in the group. Which is a good size audience, logically closing it sounds like a bad idea. But what good does it serve if I'm not doing anything with that group? If anything, it takes time out of my day
In two main ways:
βœ”οΈ approving new members
βœ”οΈ deleting inappropriate posts
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The second one being the most annoying part. Who in their right business mind thinks that posting a randon Etsy link to their shop will get them any sales from a Facebook group full of other sellers? πŸ™„ Makes me roll my eyes all the way to the back of my neck. 
I could make time to come up with a content calendar and show up in the group, but I'd like to grow my YouTube channel instead. It actually makes money and brings in customers daily. Something the FB group doesn't do. 
My questions to you is: What would YOU do as a business owner in this situation?
(click any option below)
Having less places to β€˜show up’ will allow me to focus on what's working now for the business. 
Which means, the group has got to go and also my dreams of one day finally posting something (anything?) on Instagram
Truth is: email marketing and YouTube work πŸ’― πŸ’ͺ🏻 for me. And I'm running ads again, which is how I grew this business fast and big with minimal marketing effort. So I'd rather focus on that.
Let me know what you think. 
With love,
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✨ Growth is often uncomfortable, messy and full of feelings you weren't expecting. But necessary. ✨