Love is the whole thing.
 We are only pieces.
~ Rumi

This Month in the Garden
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Are you RED-y for what Spring will bring?
In honor of all things RED this month, like Valentine's Day, the uniforms of both Superbowl teams and Lunar New Year. I thought it would be fun to share the only year the tulips weren't pink. Yes, the year they were red. This is not AI! 
Every now and then it's fun to change things up, so I thought it would be fun to plant Burgundy Lace tulips. They were supposed to be hot pink, fringe tulips. Imagine my surprise and shock when they bloomed red. I kept thinking they would mellow, but they just kept growing into a glorious red. 
It also happened to be the year that my tulips were featured in Better Homes and Gardens. The article had been delayed a year, so I wasn't even sure it would be published. So, there I was being featured for my pink tulips and yet if you drove by my houseā€¦no pink tulips. Just red.
At the time, I really wasn't pleased. But, what can you do when things happen that you didn't expect and can't control? You just roll with it. Now, when I look back, I think they are really beautiful and it gives me a chuckle.
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Some things I'm Loving Now


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Happy Valentines!
With love from me to you!
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LivE Give
 Until next timeā€¦  xxElizabeth