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PST! Healy does promos every month! Right now the promos are GREAT (50%+ off devices depending where you live!!)
 Just click below, click MagHealy Professional or Healy Professional Edition, and head to checkout to see the applied discount. I  recommend both professional devices, and use both regularly! 

 I want to start out by saying…
You are here for a reason. 
Whether it's to experience profound internal shifts with frequency, connect with a community of people who share the same values, or create an expansive and supportive, location-independent income stream, and true wild wealth…

Take a moment to reflect on what brought you here, and what your intention is.
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So let's start by chatting about what this frequency device is & why I talk about it so much. 
A lot of you know I have been into holistic health for over a decade! After eating disorders and being over-medicated by doctors, I decided to seek truth. Free think. And look into “alternative” healing... aka the OG healing.  
I’ve also always known that my soul can't work a job where people are telling me what to say, what to do, when to show up, and how to BE. In 2019, I was fired from a “dream job” because I  was uncomfortable with what the boss was telling me to do. It went against my morals and ethics… and I  was fired like THAT for listening to my intuition.
So I decided I never wanted to be cornered again. Which through a serious of synchronistic events led me to Healy
I first saw Healy when I was 23. I  started to meet people using frequency and heard many extraordinary testimonials. I    came across many other frequency devices, and almost bought those! But I am so grateful I chose to grab a Healy instead. One reason is because Healy is bio-individualized and the other frequency devices are not. Another reason is because the machine I was about to invest in was $10,000+ and not wearable/travel friendly. My Healy was only $2800, has more programs, has scanning features, and I take it everywhere!  
And I am SO grateful I didn’t grab the Healy back when I    was 23. Because had I grabbed it then, I would not be apart of the INCREDIBLE, expansive business community I  am now apart of now in Healy.
Picture this: Healy came up in my awareness again back in 2022. I thought it would be perfect to get because I was experiencing irregular periods. I asked my boyfriend,
“Have you heard of Healy? Should I get one?”
Syncronisitcly enough, my boyfriend just so happened to have worked with a naturopath for FOUR years who used Healy on her clients. Their health transformations were incredible, and my boyfriend encouraged me to get the frequency device. 
The device itself has been an EXTREMELY supportive treatment for my health.
Not only that, but my income has increased 7x committing to the Healy business container.
Because this business container, in my opinion, has impacted me way more than my $80,000 college education. You learn directly from successful entrepreneurs & experienced high level, inspiring leaders.
& this business container is FREE with your Healy.
Since joining Healy, I  have learned everything from confidence with sales to recognizing my worth. My inner circle has COMPLETELY changed because me self worth + boundaries have changed. My work ethic has elevated + I work  way more intelligently, making 7x more than what I used to make. I hold myself differently, I know how to say “NO”, my expectations for life have changed…
Very different from where I was just 3 years ago- teaching 90 minute group yoga classes for $5-10 PER CLASS. Yikes!
 I now choose to live in COMPLETE alignment with my values and not sacrifice anything. My FREQUENCY has changed. 
& I want this for you, too. 
& every day, there are dozens of new testimonials I read of people using frequency support.
Did you know frequency used to be used in the hospitals? But it was taken out with herbalism and homeopathy back in the early 1900s, unfortunately. & I think you all know why those were all taken out…. 
But fortunately, through the Healy community, I've been able to connect with a ton of holistic doctors that talk about the benefits of frequency. Our business community hosts “Frequency Schools” where holistic doctors + professionals come teach us all about Quantum Biology, quantum physics, & how frequency is changing the trajectory of modern medicine.
Exciting stuff, yeah?! 
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Dr. McMakin was actually a pharma rep before she got into holistic health x micro-current frequency technology. She is one of the doctors involved in Healy and has many frequency programs inside of the devices. I had the honor of meeting her + listening to her patients testimonials regarding their experience with frequency. It was absolutely MIND BLOWING!
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Now let's chat multiple streams of income x affiliate marketing x community based business.. 
The Healy business community I am apart of is #4 in the world. That's out of millions of Healy users + lots of other biz communities! We are a high-level, high-caliber, passionate group of soul led leaders. So if you're looking for high energy and major inspiration, you've got it right here. 
You are here because you are desiring to create a freedom lifestyle business, yeah?
When you grab a Healy, you become an affiliate aka start your own biz. The business container is FREE with your Healy. Which is a VERY generous opportunity! Why is it free? Because in community based business, it's about collaboration over competition.
GOODBYE to the lone-wolf, competition energy. The Healy affiliate compensation plan financially incentivizes collaboration.
Want to learn how to use social media to create an additional income stream.
Would like to find ways to weave together your current offerings with Healy.
Hold the mission of wanting to share Quantum Solutions with the world in an aligned way.
Build community and presence in the online space
Create aligned and magnetic content that feels like YOU
Deepen connections and learn to follow up with curiosity and consent
Share about events with joy and magnetism
Expand your skills of business and social media
Deep dive into the information field + quantum health
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Did you know that this device is in a category that is a $200 billion dollar industry? & that the industry is projected to be $1.5 TRILLION by 2029? Talk about smart investments…  
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Back in September, I co-led a 45 person Healy biz retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains! We cold plunged, biohacked, had fire ceremonies, did sunrise movement classes, and had trainings on business. Here are some testimonials from our biz retreat:
“Just want to say it was so truly amazing to meet all of you AMAZING women this weekend. You are all so truly inspiring and I feel so blessed to have been in community with all of you. This was so needed and can’t wait for the next one. Until then, I can’t wait to keep the connections going. Thank you to the leaders for creating this container and holding the space for all of us to learn and grow. I’m really excited to see what manifests after this weekend."
- Katie
“It was such a blessing to weave and connect with all of you! I fell in love with every single person there. It was exactly the medicine I needed and more. So much love to you all!!! Pure magic yall. Let's anchor in what we learned and LETS GOOOOO!!!”
- Emily 
So, this is EXACTLY what happens right when you grab your Healy:  
Healy is Network Affiliate Marketing, meaning that you work with whoever you grab your device from! When you grab your Healy through my affiliate link, you join my team and are plugged into our network of thousands of likeminded men and women in this business.
We co-create, collaborate, dream together, teach each other…
& I am here to support you & lead you! Here is what that looks like ↓
  1. We hop on a call to discuss your goals/dreams in this space! Think dream weaving with tangible takeaways.
  2. You are plugged in to my community where we host weekly calls. You have access to me via Telegram!
  3. You get access to LIVE business calls that happen 2x per week. If you can't make them, they are recorded. These calls are optional, but essential to attend for a thriving business.
  4. Access to global network + endless support
  5. Access to courses that talk about magnetic social media mastery, sacred sales, money magnetism, goal setting, manifesting, and more!
  6. Plentiful business trainings from Healy corporate!
  7. Business systems to make this process as easeful for you as possible. The goal is to be off our phones as much as possible while living a life of freedom, right?
  8. Business trainings and frequency trainings from the top entrepreneurs and holistic practitioners.
  9. A community of high level, soul led leaders and entrepreneurs.

Feel a full body YES?! Here are the next steps..
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 The discount is applied at checkout! I use the 2 best models Healy has to offer. If you an only afford one, grab the Healy Professional Edition. There are payment plans available at checkout: 
Once you grab your Healy, send me an email at & I will plug you into everything you need. I will also send you my link to book an intro call! If you have any questions, feel free to email me or dm me on Instagram as well.

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Extra Info:
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WWWWHEEEEWF! That was a lot of juicy info.
Frequency is blowing up. It's returning to the masses. & it's up to YOU if you are going to invest in yourself and this opportunity!!!
Cheers to money magnetism and possibilities. 

What is the time commitment to the Healy biz ? 
You are your own boss in Healy! This container requires personal responsibility and self accountability. The community and myself are 100% here to support you and motivate you. But at the end of the day, YOU decide how much time and commitment you put into Healy.  I  suggest committing at least  3 hours a week.
Do I  have to pay monthly? 
Nope! With Healy's current business model, once you grab your device, there is no subscription fee! 
What if I  can't make the weekly  biz calls ? 
They are recorded and we save all of the replays.
How much support do I receive through you?
I  host + co-host weekly group mentorship calls! You also have access to me via Telegram. 
What is the community like ?
Healy is global, and our community is from all over the world. We are people that prioritize and value: cultivating resilience, confidence, trust in self,  expansion,  intelligence, creativity… 
This community holds up a mirror to where you are holding yourself back. & You have this community to keep you accountable for reaching your dreams and goals!
Still have questions ?
Email me at

Where I post about Healy, Frequency, and Community Based Biz
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the publisher.  The information in this page is true and complete to the best of the author’s knowledge. All recommendations are made without guarantee. The author has made every effort to ensure that all instructions given in this page  are accurate and safe, but cannot accept liability, whether direct or consequential, however arising.
This page does not provide medical advice.
The information including, but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained in this book are for informational purposes only. No material in this page is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.