JAN 2024

seven things

Inspiration, Eating, Listening, Watching,
Reading, Working & Making
How're YOU hanging in there? Yeaaaaaaah, me too.  Ooof. 
I so miss writing these missives, but lately, life just hasn't felt worth sharing. Things are so hard right now.  Professionally, business is scary slow (even though I'm really excited about what's ahead). Personally, that 'ole seasonal depression feels spicer than normal already this year, and daily life feels like an absolute slog.  I mean, dirty dishes?  Again?  In this economy?  I think not.
Culturally, the news continues to be so utterly horrifying (to the point of nightmares for me TBH), and everything just feels so bleeeeak.  I've never felt smaller and just, well, powerless. Neither of those feelings is comfortable for me.  (Where my other ‘get-organized-and get-er-done’ Capricorn Rising/Aries Sun's at and please tell me how you're handling all this? I need HALP.)
As I've mentioned in years past, I don't make resolutions for the New Year, I choose a word as a theme for the year. And I had the HARDEST time landing on anything this year that felt right. Last year's word was ‘Abundance’, and while I had to drastically shift my thinking about what true abundance meant, in the end, life felt very full last year, albeit in new and different ways. 
But this year, I've landed on JOY as my word.  Which on the surface may seem like arranging deck chairs on the proverbial Titanic, but with everything that's happening right now, if I'm not actively searching on a regular basis for things that bring joy, I might sink faster than a lead balloon.  And I know that I'll have to shift my thinking there, too, but thinking in new ways is a good thing.  A vital, necessary thing.    
So, if you need me, I'll be wearing 17 layers of clothing trying to keep warm in another foot of snow, searching for a glimmer of hope for Spring in the home-grown strawberry jam I stashed in the freezer last year, and ACTIVELY gathering up all the…
small moments of joy
  • The snow is beautiful, I'll give it that.
  • Finding Blood Oranges in the grocery store here.  Also, if you want the best oranges you've ever tasted, order your Honeybells from Hollianna in Orlando)
  • Smoking meat in 30 deg weather instead of 95 deg weather.
  • Getting together for a huge ‘Snack Dinner’ instead of doing a big Christmas Dinner.  Spicy dips are where it's at.
  • Shooting our portraits for holiday cards in my Sister's backyard.
  • Michigan v Alabama was one of the most enjoyable CFL games I've ever yelled at. Yes, I did shed a tear or two at the end, and yes, I had also previously had some New Year's champagne. These two things might be related.
  • Potting the hyacinth bulbs that didn't make it into the ground before it froze with a dash of hope that they actually bloom
  • It might seem like a small thing, but this fancy-ass broom brings me joy every time I use it
  • You've seen a Little Free Library, but have you ever seen an Little Free Blockbuster?
  • An incredible vintage “His & Hers” floorplan
  • The Great Scrollback of Alexandria (RIP Twitter)
  • I called these my ‘emotional support waffles’ the other day and I was only half joking
  • OMG it's like Domino but for Minatures
  • A TV Dinner Quilt
  • I want everyone to live very close.
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Here are the other things that have gotten me through these past few weeks - I hope they do the same for you, wherever and however you may be:
tools of the trade
Thank you so much for following along, First name / friend!
I'm so glad you're here.
Links in this email may be affiliate links and as an Amazon associate I earn from qualifying purchases; this means I could make a few pennies if you decide to make a purchase through the link - never with any additional cost to you.  As ever, thanks so much for your support!