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“The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members.”
— Coretta Scott King
community news
One of the reasons I started Home Cooked Books was because I love the audiobook community: everyone from the authors to the listeners to the narrators to the people behind the scenes. This week, we've created a new community on Facebook where early members are already sharing ideas, questions and recommendations. If you're intrigued, I hope you'll join us!
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This week's NEW RELEASes
Narrated by Robert Hatchet & Samantha Brentmoor
Narrated by Janine Granda & Bryant Walker
This week's FEATURED saleS
This week's interview:
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SFN: How long are your recording days? How do you keep yourself present/fresh/awake...?
RH: I typically split my days into four recording sessions, being sure to step out of the booth every couple hours to give my voice a break and stay fresh. I’ll take the pup for a walk, chat with wifey, refresh all the booth waters etc… I aim to keep my days no longer than 8 hours, but when deadlines come…I may admit to becoming a bit of a booth hermit.
SFN: How did you learn to narrate audiobooks?
RH: I’ve been acting professionally for over a decade, so when I decided to make audiobook narration more than just a side hustle, I went out and got some training from the folks who really knew what they were doing. The general approach is widely transferable from theater to audiobooks; prep, character arc, scene work etc… but there is a distinct stylistic difference in the performance technique from performing to a house of thousands to within an inch of the listener’s ear.
SFN: If you could spend either a week in the past or a week in the future, where and when would you go?
RH: Hmmmm, well if it’s just the past or future, I’d have to say the past because I’m already on my way to the future! I have to laugh at myself, I originally read this thinking I had to go to a spot on my own timeline and naturally thought, “Put me back on the beach in Mexico!” Then I realized maybe it could be of all time, in which case it would be Pre-WW2 Europe. I’m a big history buff when it comes to WW2 and to see some particular towns and cities before the destruction of the war would truly be a sight.
SFN: What or who inspires you as an artist?
RH: I’m always most inspired by going to see live performances. Whether that’s a piece of theater or a live music show, seeing an artist put it all on the line and give everything of themselves for a moment in time shared with an audience is it for me.
Don't miss our new release featured above (and below) with Robert's narration, Close to You by SM West!
This week's giveaway:
Congrats to last week's winners: Jennifer P, Toula, Khaddy, Terri C. and Lisa G.
If you enjoyed this week's news, we'd love it if you'd share this signup link with your audiobook-lovin' friends:
And if someone forwarded this email to you, we'd love to have you join us!
Happy listening!
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