Here at SOCIAL IMPACT MOVEMENT, we are thrilled to share the latest updates on our sustainable development initiatives and invite you to join us in celebrating remarkable achievements! In this edition, we highlight some SIM events from last month; SIM news and future events; an overview of current SIM projects; and SDG news and upcoming events in and around Miami.
SOCIAL IMPACT MOVEMENT has been a proud member of the United Nations Global Compact since January 2021, and we have recently become a member of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network! Our unwavering commitment lies in advancing the principles of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. We are dedicated to creating a better future for all, and we invite you to be part of our incredible journey.
Recent SIM News:
Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Left: Josie Blohm (on the left), Youth Engagement Coordinator, at “Walk the Talk,” a panel discussion/ networking event put on by ImpactEdition; also pictured, Claudia Akel (SIM CEO), Scarlett Lanzas (SIM VP and Accountable Impact founder and CEO), and Yulia Strokova (founder and publisher of ImpactEdition).
The Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) was launched by the UN in 2012 to mobilize global scientific and technological expertise to promote practical problem solving for sustainable development and implement the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They release yearly sustainable development reports to record the progress of the SDGs and track their function throughout the world.
The SDSN report for last year demonstrates different categories of sustainability. The data is shown in graphs, analytics, charts, and graphics. The SDSN highlights that sustainability is a range and is composed of different factors. The report has different categories to exemplify that sustainability does not have one singular definition, but is several components tied together to create a single idea. Through the use of the SDSN's 2023 report, organizations and all individuals can reflect on the information to make 2024 a more sustainable year.
Social Impact Movement has become a member of the SDSN and works to report findings on sustainable developments in the Miami area. We here at SIM are dedicated to sustainability and improvement in our community. SIM is constantly working on advocacy for the Sustainable Development Goals through the use of graphics and videos in social media as well as attending conferences and events that prioritize the education and understanding of the SDGs. The accumulation of actions SIM takes to create a more sustainable future is taken into account throughout SDSN's reports on sustainability.
With the help of organizations contributing to SDSN's findings, the SDSN can have a more accurate depiction of how different countries and communities are utilizing the SDGs. The more accurate the information from the SDSN is, the more communities can focus on creating sustainability and finding new innovations and solutions to following the SDGs. Together, we can work to make 2024 the most sustainable year yet.
The annual Boat Show in Miami is coming up on the 14th of February and is becoming more and more sustainable every year. The event is for people interested in boats/yachts to discover a wide range of new boats and marine products entering the market. This year's sustainable innovations within the event is revolutionizing the boat market and the manner it interacts and affects our seas.
This year's boat show will have Nova Southeastern University marine graduate & undergraduate students as Manatee Spotters. These students have been trained as manatee spotters and will be focusing on identification of snouts and silhouettes for lookout, ensuring the reduction of boat speeds in areas known for manatees, informing sea trial participants to keep their distance from manatees, informing sea trial participants to slow vessels immediately and placing their boats in neutral in the event of a manatee sighting. One spotter is intended per vessel 35’ and greater, equipped with marine binoculars and a designated t-shirt/vest identifying the individual as Manatee Spotter.
There has been major action focused on marine sustainability, primarily the carbon neutral goal. The carbon neutral goal in the boat show is in partnership with the Yacht Carbon Offset, who have accomplished offsetting 3,345 tonnes CO2 in 2022. Representing the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions through the use of 298,590 US gallons of Ultra Low Sulphur Diesel, the partnership has invested over $2.8 million to eliminate the use of diesel generators and reduce electricity usage with energy-saving technology. Together, their effect has led tp a 15-20% decrease in emissions released by marine vessels.
The Boat Show is also partnered with the Miami Foundation to raise donations for the Biscayne Bay Recovery Fund. The fund was created to protect the 35-mile marine ecosystem and economic engine in Miami. There will also be sustainable catering at the event, meaning there is a no Styrofoam policy in place, the use and consumption of sustainably harvested foods, and the phasing out of straws.
After six years of hard work, Miami-Dade County has finally premiered their first fifteen electric school buses. The overall goal is to have fifty electric school buses by the end of 2025. The EPA is funding the price of 50 buses and Volkswagen is contributing ⅔ of the cost for 50 more buses. By 2026, it is expected for the district to have 1 out of 10 buses to be electric, with minimal costs to citizens.
In a city as lively and bustling as Miami, it is crucial for our youngest generations to have clean air. Regular diesel powered school buses are seen to harm the students riding the bus. Studies have showed that the air quality inside the bus is ten times more damaging than the air quality outside the bus. The accumulation of the already damaged air quality in a big city like Miami and the air quality inside a school bus will majorly affect the health of younger kids. The incorporation of new electric school buses within the county will not only ensure better health for students, but will also aid in the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions released from diesel powered school buses.
“Nearly $20 million from the Environmental Protection Agency will cover the costs of 50 new electric buses and 16 fast chargers, bringing the district to 100 green school buses on the road and on order,” said the Miami Herald. The EPA is ensuring the the county has the means to supply the electric school buses and put them to use.
The new “green” electric school buses will redefine clean air and energy. These steps to create a cleaner Miami will cause a cumulative effect for other industries to use cleaner energy and prioritize environmental sustainability.
If you or your organization are hosting, or know about, an upcoming event that you would like featured on the next issue of our newsletter, fill out our form!
Left: Josie Blohm (on the left), Youth Engagement Coordinator, at “Walk the Talk,” a panel discussion/ networking event put on by ImpactEdition; also pictured, Claudia Akel (SIM CEO), Scarlett Lanzas (SIM VP and Accountable Impact founder and CEO), and Yulia Strokova (founder and publisher of ImpactEdition). Middle: Zharick Alvarez, social media intern, working on graphics for the SIM Instagram. Right: Nicole Yeager (right), social media intern, at “Walk the Talk,” a panel discussion/ networking event put on by ImpactEdition; also pictured, Claudia Akel (SIM CEO).
This newsletter was compiled by Social Impact Movement's dedicated Social Media Team. High-school seniors Nicole Yeager, Sienna Borroto and Zharick Alvarez, lead by our Youth Engagement Coordinator, Josie Blohm, work diligently to create graphics and TikTok videos for our Instagram and TikTok accounts, as well as assemble this newsletter for you, our readers, to be informed on SIM and SDG news every month. We hope you enjoyed this month's edition!
- SIM Social Media Team
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