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Have you ever had a day that you wish you could go back to sleep and wake up and the day would go significantly better? 
Yesterday was that day for me.
Xan couldn't find his sneakers for the second day in a row.
I left for work late.
Got stuck in line waiting for coffee.
Fast forward through work and I picked up a salad from our local pizza place—their salad bar is LEGEND…wait for it…ARY.
Stopped by the middle school to pick up Xan after an after-school club.
Waited for 15 minutes before I had to walk inside the school since his cellphone had died.
Picked up the Twinx dinner. Got home and…
in case you haven't guessed it…
my salad dressing had spilled ALL OVER the bag my salad was in.
Big sigh.
Now, in the grand scheme of things, were any of these things catastrophic?
No. And I'm grateful for that.
But, y'all, I seriously need today to go better.
When you have rough days, how do you overcome them? Or is it just a planned reset for the next day?
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With Monday being Martin Luther King Jr. day, I had a holiday at work. I spent Monday getting in 7,000 words—yay! I haven't done that since my first book, Written in the Beat.
Y'all, I seriously love Ryder and Brittany so much…I think you'll love them too.
Want a sneak peek? Not only will I give you a sneak peek, but I'll give you the song inspo behind the sneak peek. The other night I was driving home from taking the boys to a sleepover when I heard a song from Papa Roach I had never heard before called “Leave A Light On.” Immediately words started flowing for Chapter 2 and I couldn't wait to get home to start writing some more of Ryder and Brittany's story.
Want to hear the song?
Here's your sneak peek…
(Quick note: This hasn't been through edits yet, so heads up on that!)
It’s always been like this between us. The push pull that’s hotter than any other foreplay I’ve ever experienced. I hadn’t been able to resist her then and after the first taste, any chance of resisting her evaporated like water on hot pavement. So when I walked into the hotel room with the keycard Krista had given me to come let Brittany know we were going to grab dinner and seen her pink lips open slightly as she lay curled up on her side?
No. F*cking. Chance.
I’d kicked off my boots and climbed in, spooning her the way I normally did and waking her with my lips. It wasn’t the first time I kissed her awake. And if I had my way it wouldn’t be the last either.
Want more?
What can you expect?
❤️ Rock star
❤️ Enemies with benefits…or are they?
❤️ Best friend's older brother
❤️ A big surprise
Coming June 14th!

Here's your winner…
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The winner of the $25 gift card is butterfly.lop****! Congratulations! I'll be emailing you individually to confirm where you want your $25 gift card.
A few notes from the feedback I received.
1. Almost 300 of you responded!
2. If you asked to only receive newsletters for releases or sales, I will be working on organizing you into a different group.
3. It was almost a 50/50 split on how many books you wanted me to share. As my schedule is already locked for this year, the number will stay the same, but I will be looking at making changes for 2025. If you would like to limit how many books you receive now, please respond to me. If I get enough interest, I'll create a second group that would only receive 1-2 books per email.
4. As for day of the week, with the exception of Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, the other days were all almost equal. For now, you'll still be getting these from me on Fridays (unless something happens and I need to delay to the weekend). Same goes for time of day—there really wasn't a preference.
5. There was a lot of interest in creating a Newsletter Archive where you can see all my previous newsletters. I'm still working on the list but all my previous newsletters will now be housed here:
6. There was also a lot of feedback to move all my signings to one spot. You can find out about my signings here:
7. I think nearly everyone entered the giveaway—yay! I apologize if I confused some of you. The gift card was for $25 and the question where you added your email was $10—that was absolutely a typo on my part!

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Please note, sales and freebies are that way at the time the newsletter is sent!
Clicking on each cover will take you to the book's retail page!

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That's it from my corner of the world today!
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