Hi First name / friend,
It's been a wild ride these past couple of weeks. First, the storm, during which we lost power for days, and then the host for my website and email experienced a failure. I've spent the past two weeks moving to a new host and trying to get everything straightened out. 
Thank you so much to all of you who noticed that my site was down and reached out to check on me. I think all is well now and I'm ready to get busy with some new projects.
Stitching in a Storm
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I made the best of our days and nights without power, by doing some basting on my English Paper Piecing project …
MPS 2024 Quilt Challenge
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The Metropolitan Patchwork Society is celebrating 25 years in 2024! Of course, that celebration will cross over into our challenge for this year. How would you approach this one?
A Few of My Favorite Things

Upcoming Events
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Over 30 vendors and over 300 quilts on display or for sale. This show is held at the Oregon State Fairgrounds and Exposition Center - Columbia Hall and is a 3-day event. Something fun to attend - nearly every month of 2024!

Thank you so much for being part of this Quiltblox Creative Community! 
You inspire me to keep creating and I appreciate your support!
I'm so happy to be back up and running! I'm looking forward to worrying less about the “tech” stuff and focusing more on some new quilt patterns I'll be sharing over the next couple of months.
Happy Stitching!
 Deb Messina

Current Discount Codes
Thread Cutterz - All products: Save 10% using code - QUILTBLOX10
PS: Let's Celebrate our Finishes! 
Every Friday at 7:00 am I'll post on the Quiltblox Facebook Page - my finish for the week. I'd love for you to join me and add a picture or two of your finishes so we can all celebrate what we've accomplished.